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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 210

$70...$70 million?!

Even though that was the lowest anyone had auctioned off Zhang Da-Qian's work, ten times more meant $700 million!

$700 million!!

Yang He was so terrified that he pissed his pants. His face turned ghastly pale as he sat limply on the ground and looked like he had lost all hope.

Even if he sold Eight Treasure Hall, it wasn't worth $700 million.

Now he understood why Ye Fan kept saying he couldn't afford it.

It was true. Despite running an antique business for many years, he only profited a little. He only had perhaps $20 or $30 million worth of savings, so even if he sold the shop, all he could cough up was $100 million at the very best.

Even if he sold everything he owned, it was impossible to compensate Ye Fan with $700 million.

When Yang He turned pale, Ye Fan immediately laughed. He looked down at him and said, "Mr Yang, what happened? You were so cocky just moments ago. Why are you sitting on the floor now? Are you trying to delay things? That won't do because I'm in a hurry. You lost a bet, so you just have to suck it up. Hurry up and settle your $700 million debt. Have you decided how you want to pay? I accept Alipay, WeChat Pay, and cash. Of course, if you can't come up with the money, you can always give me your title deed.”

As Ye Fan mimicked Yang He, he smiled indifferently. He threw all the ridicule that Yang He gave him right back at him instead.

"I...I..." When he heard Ye Fan's words, he sat on the ground and looked like he just ate a mouthful of shit.

His face was crimson, and he was too ashamed to even show his face. After he clucked and stuttered like a chicken for a long time with his lips trembling, no words came out.

He intended to make a quick buck from Ye Fan earlier on to make up for his loss today. But he didn't foresee this ending at all.

Instead of making money, he had to pay him $700 million. It was a complete embarrassment for him!

This fall was simply too great.

He disgraced himself and probably made Eight Treasure Hall a laughing stock within the curio community.

But just as he was wallowing in embarrassment and wondering what he should do, his son, Yang Wei, came walking over. He went straight up to Ye Fan and shouted, "That's $700 million! How dare you ask for so much money! That's blackmail! Eight Treasure Hall doesn't owe you a dime! What gives you the right to ask us for money? You say that my father owes you $700 million, but what proof do you have? Do you have an IOU? How can you just demand $700 million from us out of the blue? It's just wishful thinking! And this painting is from my father's collection. It belongs to Eight Treasure Hall and has nothing to do with you."

For the sake of money, Yang Wei disregarded all dignity and started acting shamelessly.

He reached his hand out to snatch the 'Withered Wood and Stone Painting'. But of course, Ye Fan wasn't going to let him have his way.

First, he pulled the painting against his chest.

Then Ye Fan ignored Yang Wei and turned to look at Yang He. "Mr Yang, what is the meaning of this? Do you want to go back on your word and refuse to acknowledge the debt? When we made a bet, everyone here witnessed it. President Gu was a witness too. Didn't Mr Yang keep going on about what an honest business you run? Do you want to ruin the Eight Treasure Hall's 100-year-old reputation with your own hands?" Ye Fan's teasing and laughter continued to fill the place.

All the rich men in the room also started speaking up for Ye Fan.

"That's right, Mr Yang. Be a man and suck it up. It's despicable for you to go back on your word."

"If word gets out, how can you go on running Eight Treasure Hall?"

"Mr Yang, are you going to wreck Eight Treasure Hall's 100-year-old reputation?"

"How are you going to answer to your ancestors?”

"Mr Yang, honesty is everything."

"Otherwise, everyone will look down on your from now on."

The people chimed in one after another and just kept fanning the flames. They spoke and waited for him to make a fool of himself.

Gu Long-En looked at Ye Fan and said deeply, "Yang He, you have to admit defeat. Since you lost to Little Teacher, you ought to pay up like you agreed."

"What's more, Little Teacher was kind about it by pricing this painting at $70 million. Do you know that Su Dong-Po's 'Withered Wood and Stone Painting' can get auctioned off for at least $100 million? Based on its real price, you would be losing over $1 billion and not $700 million."

"I..." Gu Long-En's words terrified Yang He so badly that his face turned distinctly paler. He sat sprawling on the ground like a dog while he trembled and was on the verge of breaking down.


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