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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 2331

“Dragon Master, this is a long story.”

“A lot has happened at the foot of the Mount Kransbay during the year you've been away.”

Gaius let out a sigh in response to Ye Fan's inquiry, then slowly began to recount the events of the past year to him.

It turned out that since a year ago, after International Martial Arts Union decided to destroy Universe Tree, they had almost exhausted all means to launch a devastating attack on this divine tree in front of them.

They first gathered the power of all the supreme grandmasters around the world, relentlessly bombarding Universe Tree for over a month.

However, it didn't harm even a single leaf or twig.

After that, they even resorted to setting fires, causing floods, and even poisoning it...

In short, almost every possible method had been employed.

However, Universe Tree before them seemed to possess an immortal body.

It feared not the sword, nor water and fire.

As for poisoning, it was even more useless.

At their wits' end, humans resorted to the last solution.

That was using nuclear weapons to deliver the final blow to Universe Tree.

For this reason, nuclear superpowers such as China, Remdik, and Anglandur, one after another, dropped several atomic bombs onto Universe Tree.

Even the hydrogen bomb, which was far more powerful than the atomic bomb, was used.

The day of the explosion, the vast area almost a thousand miles around had all turned into barren land.

The barren hills were leveled to the ground, all vegetation turned to flying ash.

The rocks were almost burned into ashes by the intense heat.

The mushroom cloud that pierced the sky was so massive that it could be seen even from halfway across the globe.

“So, what's the outcome?”

“Is it effective?” Ye Fan couldn't help but become anxious.

Nuclear weapons should be the most powerful weapon in this world.

Especially the hydrogen bomb.

Back then, Ye Fan had almost lost his life to a nuclear weapon.

Of course, the nuclear weapons deployed in Xosa at that time were far less powerful than the hydrogen bomb.

So, Ye Fan was curious. How much impact could this supreme human strength have on Universe Tree?

After a moment of silence, Gaius said with a grim expression, “It's effective.”

“At the very heart of the nuclear explosion, that power capable of incinerating everything, ultimately shook Universe Tree.

“Back then, all I saw was a leaf from Universe Tree, drifting down after the nuclear explosion had ended.

“That's all there is to it.”

Gaius's solemn words slowly resonate in the darkness of the night.

Dead silence!

A silence as profound as death!

In this vast universe, it seemed that only the sound of the air flowing remained.

The bleak wind blew, stirring up countless leaves, creating a rustling sound.

However, the rustling sound of the leaves seemed as if Universe Tree was mocking and scorning humanity.

“Dragon Master, the gap is really too large.”

In the end, with a deep sigh, Gaius tilted his head back and drained the wine from the jug in one gulp.

Beside him, Zhang Nanhai's eyes were also somewhat bloodshot.

For as long as anyone could remember, humans have always been considered the most superior beings on Earth.

Humans, who had always been at the top of the food chain, suddenly found out that their proudest and most advanced weapons, despite their destructive power, were nothing more than a gentle breeze blowing on Universe Tree.

Just imagine how intense that blow must have been?

How intense was that feeling of frustration.

That was a gap enough to drive one to despair.

Sufficient to shatter the pride and confidence that humanity had cultivated over millions of years.

Upon hearing this, Ye Fan fell silent too.

For a long time, he couldn't find anything to say.

Although he had anticipated the outcome, it still struck him when he heard that even the full might of a nuclear superpower, or an attack with a hydrogen bomb, was merely enough to blow off a single leaf from Universe Tree.

This outcome caused even Ye Fan's heart to quiver slightly.

A profound sense of helplessness surged in his heart.

“And then what happened?” After a long silence, Ye Fan asked again.

“It was only after that, the many nations truly realized the immense power and invincibility of Universe Tree.

“A sense of pessimism and despair hangs heavy in everyone's heart.


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