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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 2332

Upon hearing this, Zhang Nanhai was filled with joy.

“I knew it! Mr. Chu, The Greatest in the martial arts world, would never be like those people, relinquishing their aspirations, deserting their dreams, and forsaking the will to live! Your words bring me great relief,” Zhang Nanhai exclaimed with a hint of excitement.

Throughout the past year, even though Zhang Nanhai had resided in the land of Kransbay, engrossed in the study of this ancient divine tree, he had spent countless nights in solitude.

Despite his determined and unwavering mindset, he couldn't escape the pangs of loneliness.

Nonetheless, he had finally discovered a kindred spirit who, like him, was striving and doing their utmost for the betterment of the world.

While their methods may differ, they had, at the very least, shared identical aspirations and goals.

He was at least no longer alone on this journey.

Observing the passionate gazes exchanged between the two individuals before him, Gaius, who was standing to the side, couldn't help but be filled with a profound sense of emotion.

In the present world, those in positions of power were nearly all focused on planning for an eventual escape. Engaging in a battle with the Universe Tree was widely seen as a guaranteed path to death. Despite this, the two individuals in front of him continued to persist, holding on to their dreams of challenging the Universe Tree, even in the face of what many considered foolishness.

Perhaps, this is what sets heroes apart from the rest. They attempt the impossible and engage in the riskiest endeavors, regardless of the potential consequences, much like a moth drawn inexorably to a flame. Many may ridicule the moth for seeking its own demise, but who can truly comprehend its perspective? In that final moment before death, it discovers both light and warmth.

Gaia deeply admired these two heroes.

The despondent will and mood that had plagued him over the past year appeared to have been influenced by Ye Fan and Zhang Nanhai, reigniting his fighting spirit and motivation.

That night, Ye Fan and Zhang Nanhai talked until the early hours of the morning.

Of course, most of the time, it was Zhang Nanhai asking Ye Fan questions about cultivation and the martial arts world, as well as seeking insights about the universe.

Ye Fan explained everything to Zhang Nanhai based on his personal understanding.

In the end, Ye Fan even relied on his memory to share all the intricate formations recorded in the Book of Celestial Cloud, sparing no effort in imparting his knowledge.

“I have only a rudimentary understanding of formations, just a smattering of knowledge, really. The intricacies of these formations are all gleaned from a book I've committed to memory. If what I've imparted to you can inspire or prove beneficial in any way, then my efforts will not have been in vain.” Ye Fan spoke slowly.

Zhang Nanhai was instantly moved and promptly knelt down to show his deep respect for Ye Fan, expressing his desire to become Ye Fan's disciple. “Thank you, Mr. Chu, for your generous teachings. If you don't mind, I, Zhang Nanhai, would be truly honored to have you as my mentor in the future!”

However, Ye Fan declined with a gentle smile. “That won't be necessary. It's just a small favor, that's all. Besides, I, Chu Tianfan, have resolved never to take on any disciples in this lifetime. You need not consider becoming my disciple. If you genuinely wish to express your gratitude, then strive to fully comprehend the intricacies of these formations and create a formidable formation capable of saving the world.”

In the end, Ye Fan did not take Zhang Nanhai as his disciple.

Although Zhang Nanhai was disappointed, there was nothing he could do about it.

And so, the night passed quickly.

As the sky began to lighten, Ye Fan made preparations to depart.

Seeing Ye Fan about to depart, Zhang Nanhai couldn't suppress his reluctance to see his idol leave and promptly tried to persuade him to stay. “Mr. Chu, where are you heading? If your goal is to break through to the god realm and cultivate in seclusion, I believe there can be no better place than right here at the foot of Mount Kransbay. After a year of observation, I've determined that the majority of the heaven and earth energy is drawn to this Universe Tree. This place undoubtedly boasts the richest aura in the world. Cultivating here will undoubtedly yield results with greater efficiency, and it will significantly aid in enhancing your cultivation.”

Ye Fan chuckled. “It seems like your year spent here at the foot of Mount Kransbay wasn't a waste after all. You're absolutely correct; this area is indeed an exceptional spot for cultivation. I will return. However, before that, there's a matter I must attend to.”

Flashing a faint smile, he then requested Gaia to stay while he, on the other hand, returned to Jiangdong to find Li Er and inquire about the progress of the withdrawal arrangements.

While Ye Fan was determined to confront the Universe Tree, that did not hinder him from planning for the future well-being of his loved ones.

Success favors those who plan ahead, while failure often befalls those who do not.

Thus, he must be prepared for all eventualities.

Upon seeing Ye Fan, Li Er bowed respectfully and said apologetically, “Mr. Chu, all tasks are progressing smoothly. However, concerning the Chu family, I fear we may still require your personal persuasion. My attempts to communicate with Old Madam Chu and the others seem to have little effect.”

Ye Fan nodded.

He indeed overlooked the fact that Old Madam Chu and the others had resided in the Chu residence for many years, making it unlikely for them to relocate willingly.


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