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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 246

After walking out of Shanshui Hall, Ye Fan didn't go home immediately but made a phone call instead.

"Han, so what have you found out?"

"Young Master, I checked and found that the Qius did collect that jadeite, but they were robbed by a bunch of other people before they could get home."

Ye Fan nodded. "Got it. Send me the address of those people. I'm going to see who was bold enough to actually covet my things."

Ye Fan was laughing, but that quiet laughter was filled with great malice.

The Qiu family was his wife's family and Ye Fan couldn't do much to them. But if it was someone else, then Ye Fan couldn't be bothered.

At Dunhuang KTV, south of Yunzhou.

A few MPVs were secretly parked here and a large group of men brought the item upstairs.

Meng He had a cigarette dangling from his mouth as he played mahjong with his friends in a private room upstairs and he had a sexily dressed woman with a voluptuous figure on his lap too.

This nightclub was run by Meng He. He was the manager of Diyang Jewelry in the day, but the owner of this nightclub at night. Whenever he was involved in something illegal, he would gather his men back at this nightclub.

After all, everyone in the business of dealing with rough jade and other precious stones were always fighting to get the best rocks from the Golden Triangle region and everyone had to keep some good fighters by their side.

Meng He was in an exceptionally good mood, laughing and chattering away happily.

"Meng, what's with you today? Why are you so happy? Made a killing again?” asked one of his friends at the mahjong table.

Meng He just laughed, "Nah, just closed a

small deal."

Just then, Meng He's phone vibrated and he got a message: Brother Meng, we've got it and we're downstairs.

Meng He's smile grew brighter when he saw this message. He replied to the text, then smiled and said, "Sorry guys, I have to settle some matters, so we'll end the game here. If you still want to have fun, you can carry on downstairs. Everything's on the house tonight!"

"Wow, you're being so generous today!"

All of them left the room and the room was left with only Meng He and the enchanting woman in his arms.

"Go out first, come back at night when it's time to sleep." Meng He slapped the woman on the butt and got her to leave as well.

In no time, the burly men reached the room and greeted Meng He politely.

"Enough of this nonsense. Where is it?" asked Meng He anxiously.

The man with a scar laughed, "Brother Meng, don't be so anxious. It's right here."

The man with a scar put the jadeite on the table and removed the cloth around it. The bright sparkle of imperial jade immediately lit up the whole room.

Meng He was so excited at the sight of this $200 million rough jadeite that his heart was going to leap out of his mouth soon. He started greedily stroking the stone as if he was caressing the skin of a beautiful woman.

"So this is imperial jade? I've been in this trade for decades and this is the first time I've laid hands on such jade.”

Meng He's eyes were smiling and there was nothing but greed and excitement on his face. Even his hands were trembling.

"I still have to thank that country bumpkin for this. If not for him, I might never touch something like this in my whole life."

"That's right, Brother Meng. In just a while, that country bumpkin will realize that his jadeite is missing and he's probably crying his eyes out right now! HAHA!" laughed the man with a scar loudly.

Meng He laughed coldly, "That's his own fault in the first place and he can't blame anyone forthat."


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