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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 247

After getting the jadeite back, Ye Fan called Shen Fei to tell him about it.

"What? Mr Ye, you got it back? HOHO! You're the best! I'll go over right now!"

Shen Fei was incredibly excited and quickly hung up the phone. He got up and headed for the door.

But Shen Jiu-Yi glared at him and roared, "Did I let you get up? Kneel down now!"

"Do you know that using company funds for your own expenses is a crime?! If your mother didn't stop me, I'd have broken your legs by now!"

When Ye Fan called, Shen Jiu-Yi was having an outburst over Shen Fei misusing the company funds.

Just a few minutes ago, Shen Jiu-Yi was so angry that he nearly called the cops to send this idiotic son of his to jail, but Shen Fei's mother had stopped him in time.

Shen Fei knelt on the floor and quietly whined, "But I returned everything


"You still dare to argue back?" Shen Jiu-Yi kicked Shen Fei again. "You little bastard! I'm warning you, don't think this is some small matter. This time you dared to use a few million, next time it'll be a few billion! If you don't learn your lesson now, the Shens' hard work over the past few decades will be completely ruined in your hands!"

Shen Jiu-Yi was extremely furious, especially when he first found out about this matter. He was so angry that he wanted to kick his son to death.

"Jiu-Yi, don't hit him anymore. Fei already knows his mistake. Besides, he had used the company funds for a reason and he just wanted to make more money for the company. Think about it. If he didn't use this money, then Shen Group would never get their hands on imperial jade," a beautiful lady continued to talk Shen Jiu-Yi around. She felt so bad for her son.

But after hearing this, Shen Jiu-Yi got even angrier. "This little bastard keeps lying and you actually believed his lies?”

"Imperial jade? Where is it then? Ask him! Where is this imperial jade! He even said that someone had collected it on his behalf without permission! What a story! He might as well have said that the imperial jade grew some legs and ran away! This little bastard has been thoroughly spoiled by you!"

Shen Jiu-Yi was already angry that Shen Fei had misused the company funds. But what made him even angrier was that Shen Fei had spun a story about getting imperial jade in order to wriggle himself out of this situation.

Half an hour ago, Shen Jiu-Yi even called several directors to come over to have a look at this imperial jade. But then Shen Fei suddenly said that someone else had taken it away.

The entire company had been played out by this stupid son of his and Shen Jiu-Yi nearly died from his anger.

And just when Shen Jiu-Yi was fuming mad, Shen Fei was finding an opportunity to run out of the house.

"You little bastard! Come back right now! How dare you run out! If you step out of the house now, don't ever come back again!” roared Shen Jiu-Yi angrily. But Shen Fei didn't intend to stop at all. He was running and shouting at the same time.

"Dad, I didn't lie to you! Mr Ye really discovered a piece of imperial jade! Wait here, I'll prove it to you!" came Shen Fei's obstinate voice from the darkness outside the house.

In no time, Shen Fei disappeared into the night and ran like crazy towards where Ye Fan was.

"Gosh, what happened to you?"

When Shen Fei arrived, Ye Fan noticed that Shen Fei had several bruises and his face was swollen. It looked like he had been bashed up.

Shen Fei wasn't bothered by his bruises and just excitedly asked Ye Fan, "Mr Ye, where's the jadeite?"

"It's right here."

Ye Fan pointed to the floor and Shen Fei nearly burst into tears when he saw it. He hugged it tightly as if he had been reunited with his father or something.


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