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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 252

In no time, Li Er found out who arrested Ye Fan.

"A regional team dared to arrest Mr Chu? Where did she get that sort of courage from?!" Li Er roared angrily in his room with a furious look on his face.

Li Er then instructed his men to prepare the car to head for the East Region Police Station. He also called Wang Donglai over from the city headquarters.

He was going to use someone in a higher position to get Ye Fan out.

When it came to dealing with the government, Li Er wouldn't take a hard stance and he could only make use of his connections.

Ren Han was still interrogating Ye Fan in the interrogation room.

"Say it now. What motive did you have?"

"According to the footage, you went in empty handed but came out with a small bag. What was inside?"

"When did you get to know the boss of Dunhuang KTV, Meng He?

"Do you have a standing feud with him?"

One of the male officers continued to ask Ye Fan all sorts of questions while Ren Han sat by the side to observe. She was trying to see if she could get the truth out of Ye Fan by observing his expression and subtle body movements.

But she was disappointed.

This man continued to remain calm.

She couldn't see any panic or nervousness in his eyes, and neither could she see any fear or terror.

Ye Fan was a bit too calm.

It was as if the person sitting in this room wasn't some small time hooligan but a deep pool of water.

But the longer Ye Fan behaved like that, the more Ren Han suspected him.

This Ye Fan was definitely not normal!

Otherwise, how could an ordinary man in his twenties remain so calm despite being interrogated like this?

After another three hours of interrogation, they still hadn't let Ye Fan eat, drink or even sleep.

But even so, this man didn't slip up and continued to speak logically throughout. They couldn't find any loopholes at all.

Worse still, they had detained him for two days already but this fellow was still running round in circles. He hadn't provided them with anything useful at all.


Ren Han was finally really angry. She had remained silent for a long time when she suddenly slammed her fair palm against the table. The loud bang even frightened the colleague next to her.

"So you're not going to tell us exactly what happened in that room that day? Fine! You want to wear us out? We'll wear you out too! As long as you don't tell us what happened, you can forget about walking out of this place!"

Ren Han's angry voice echoed loudly in the interrogation room. Her fierce and stern stance was so frightening that her colleague paled in the face.

Ren Han was a woman, but her presence and her boldness made her very suitable to be a leader in the police force.

"Is that so? I'll just let you know that this door can't cage me in for long. For all you know, someone might come and pick me up in just a while." Ye Fan had a faint smile on his lips and he sounded like he was teasing Ren Han. This obviously made Ren Han even angrier than before.

"You can continue dreaming! I've already prevented any news of your arrest from going out and even the chief of this police station doesn't know about it! So I don't know who you're counting on to save you from this place! Besides, you're just a hooligan, so I don't think your backers could be that powerful either. So stop trying to scare me because I'm not going to be scared."


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