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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 253

In the east region of Yunzhou.

Li Er had been waiting outside for a long time but still didn't see Ye Fan emerge from the station. He started to get suspicious and called Wang Donglai.

"What? He's still inside? Commissioner Wang, you're the chief of this city's police force and your words were useless? What? Her background is more powerful than yours? Fine, I'll think of something else.” Li Er's face fell after hearing the situation.

"Master Er, what's wrong? It's just a branch and Commissioner Wang can't settle it?" Jin Bao and Yin Bao were puzzled.

Li Er shook his head and said grimly, "Even if a temple is small, it could house someone powerful."

"I didn't expect a simple assistant team leader to have such a powerful background. She's connected to someone in the provincial government? This might get tough.” Li Er's expression was grim and this situation seemed tricky.

Li Er had plenty of connections but they were mostly within the city and he didn't really have any reliable connections at the provincial level.

He had no choice but to contact Chen Ao.

Jianghai was Chen Ao's territory, so he probably had some say at the provincial level.

"What?! Mr Chu has been arrested?

When?! It's already been two days?! Fuck, Li Er! Why didn't you say so earlier! I'm going over right now!"

Chen Ao went pale in the face after hearing this as well.

He couldn't continue his hot spring holiday with his wife and daughter anymore. He got changed and drove quickly to Yunzhou.

At the same time, he started to use all of his connections to contact people at the provincial level to get Ye Fan out.

Ye Fan was the king of Jiangdong and controlled everything in it. More importantly, Ye Fan was his benefactor. He was the reason why Chen Ao had been able to rise so quickly in Jiangdong in the first place.

Chen Ao wouldn't forget all the favor he had received in the past.

"Dad, what's wrong? What's the hurry?" It was still the Mid-Autumn holidays and Chen Nan was puzzled when she saw that her father wanted to leave after just receiving a phone call.

"Nannan, your beloved Fan is in trouble."

"What?” Chen Nan's face also paled and her heart trembled.

"There's no time to talk now. Come with me, we'll go and look up Mr Chu together."

You only found out who was true to you in times of trouble. So if Chen Ao could help Ye Fan out when he was in trouble, it would definitely help him to get closer to Ye Fan.

It would help to not just deepen their master and servant ties, but also son and daughter ties.


The car zoomed like an arrow towards Yunzhou.

Back at the East Region Police Station in Yunzhou.

After all that earlier, Ye Fan was still stuck inside the interrogation room.

But Ren Han's expression was very nasty now.

Ren Han had fallen out with Chief Wei earlier, and all her team members didn't dare to say anything now. They just stood by the side and waited for Ren Han to give orders.

The interrogation room was completely silent and the silence was a little creepy.

Ye Fan finally chuckled and broke the silence.

"Women don't always lose out to men, huh. Miss Ren, even though I'm really quite upset with you for maligning me, I have to say that you're really admirable for standing by your principles."

"Shut up!" Ren Han was still angry in the first place. Now she got even angrier after hearing these words.

She glared at him and got her team to send him back to the detention center. "Watch him carefully. If anything crops up, let me know immediately!"

She turned and left the room after that.


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