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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 256

"Young Master, are you alright? If even this didn't work, I was going to raise the level of attack to 'Tiger' and just burn the station to ground and save you out of there," said Han worriedly over the phone.

Ye Fan's arrest clearly made Han terribly worried even though he was so far away.

Han exhaled slowly in relief with he heard Ye Fan's voice again. His heart finally managed to calm down.

"Han, it was just a small matter. You overreacted," Ye Fan laughed quietly as he shook his head.

"No, Young Master, this is no small matter. I suspect this was a trap set up by someone in the Chu family. They want to use the police to get rid of you!"

"Young Master, you have to take note of this matter. Small details can determine if one succeeds or fails, and one small matter can decide whether you live or die. History has proven that many times something may look insignificant, but they might prove to be nearly fatal...just like this time, the other party suddenly made an attack, locked you up and cut off your communication with the world for two whole days. Young Master, do you know how many people a professional killer can kill in two days? One..."

"Alright, alright, Han, enough. I'll take note, and I'll be super careful, ok?" Ye Fan was laughing bitterly to himself as he gave up. He figured that if he still refused to listen to Han's advice, Han was going to continue nagging at him until the next morning.

He wasn't letting that happen.

Ye Fan was in a hurry to go home and see his wife.

"Oh by the way, you're the one who alerted the folks in the capital, right? Just a small scare is enough, don't blow up this matter. That Ren Han has good character, so we don't have to make things too difficult for her."

When Ye Fan heard Ren Han's father mention that someone from the capital had come knocking on his door, he figured that Han had made a trip just to get himself out.

Ye Fan didn't expect a small misunderstanding to end up kicking up such a huge storm.

Chen Ao and the rest had rushed over from Jianghai and even those people that Ye Fan hid in the capital had been mobilized.

"That won't do, Young Master. She detained you for two days for nothing, and I really suspect that the Ren family is working for the Chu family, so..."

"Good god, are you quite done? What do you mean by they're working for the Chus? Is everyone an assassin from the Chus? If you say one more word about this, I'm going to kill you too!" Ye Fan started yelling when he heard Han go on and on about all these meaningless things and flew into a rage.

"I'll say this one more time. Do NOT make things difficult for the Ren family. Just go with what I said, understand?" Ye Fan's voice was low and left no room for negotiation.

After being scolded by Ye Fan, Han also shut up and didn't say anymore nonsense. He quickly went with Ye Fan and politely replied, "Yes, Young Master."

"You should have been like that right from the start, then I wouldn't have to scold you," sighed Ye Fan as he shook his head. He hung up the phone and went home.

It was night time and Qiu Mu-Cheng's house was brightly lit.


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