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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 257

Han Hai didn't expect Qiu Mu-Cheng to still be unwilling to divorce Ye Fan even till now.

He just couldn't understand it. How had Ye Fan bewitched this niece of his? That fellow had no money, no power and worse still, he had been arrested. Didn't Qiu Mu-Cheng feel ashamed for having such a useless bum with a poor record for a husband?

It wasn't just Han Hai. Even Han Li and Qiu Li were extremely furious when they heard what Qiu Mu-Cheng said.

Even though Qiu Lei was normally a kindly man, his expression had turned grim too.

"Mu-Cheng, what did you say? Say it again if you dare." Qiu Lei's tone of voice was calm, but nobody knew how furious he really was beneath those ominous sounding words.

Qiu Mu-Cheng rarely heard her father speak to her like this. She knew that her father was probably really angry this time.

She didn't answer him and just hung her head with bloodshot eyes.

"Mu-Cheng, your mother used to take care of all your matters and I hardly interfere. But this time I have to say something. The Qius have always been an upright family with a clear conscience, so I will not let anyone who sullies the name of the family to remain here.”

"Ye Fan has accomplished nothing in the three years he married into the family. And now he has actually committed a crime. He's neither talented nor morally upright. An immoral and useless bum cannot remain in this family. Your mother can't take this embarrassment and neither can I."

"So tomorrow, you have to get divorced whether you like it or not. There's no room for negotiation!”

Qiu Lei spoke these words forcefully like it was a command. There was no way to turn things around.

Qiu Mu-Cheng's eyes turned even redder and she was about to cry.

But even so, she held her tears in stubbornly and spoke up for Ye Fan, "Dad, you don't know Ye Fan. He's talented too. He managed to pick several valuable rough precious stones at the auction."

Han Fei-Fei immediately snorted when she heard this. "Mu-Cheng, don't lie to your parents anymore. That country bumpkin was obviously just claiming credit for someone else's efforts and was exposed during the auction and embarrassed himself so badly. You knew about that. Besides, the one who exposed this useless bum was actually your cousin, Qiu Mu-Ying, right?"

Qiu Mu-Cheng wanted to use this incident to change her parents' view on Ye Fan, but after Han Fei-Fei said this, it made it worse and her parents were even more determined to make Ye Fan divorce Qiu Mu-Cheng.

"What a piece of trash! This Ye Fan is already a useless bum and he still goes around embarrassing us! Mu-Cheng, you're really blinded or something. Why do you still hang on to this idiot who tries to show off? He's also a useless fool with poor morals! You must divorce him tomorrow!" Han Li shouted angrily as her expression darkened.

But Qiu Mu-Cheng continued to fight on. "Mum, how could you say that?"

"Ye Fan has been working hard for our family over the past three years. Tell me, has he done anything to us? How could you say that Ye Fan has poor morals? Besides, he's only suspected of being involved and nothing has been concluded yet. We don't even know what's happening, so how could you say that he's immoral or that he's an outlaw?"

"You..." Han Li was so angry that Qiu Mu-Cheng was still speaking up for Ye Fan at this point.

But when Sun Yu-Hao saw that the fight was going to escalate, he tried to calm them down. "Mum, don't be angry. It's not that Mu-Cheng doesn't want to divorce Ye Fan, she's just being sentimental."

"Ye Fan has lived here with Mu-Cheng and both of you for three years already after all. Even if he were just a dog, you would feel attached to it by now. Ye Fan was just arrested and it looks bad on Mu-Cheng if we immediately get married during this time. Tell you what, we can hold a wedding at a later date, and just register first. Mum, Dad, are you ok with that?"

Sun Yu-Hao called them Mum and Dad so adoringly as if he was already their son-in-law.

After Sun Yu-Hao offered this compromise, Han Li and Qiu Lei took one step back and agreed that the marriage could wait, but the divorce had to be done immediately.

After that, Sun Yu-Hao looked at Qiu Mu-Cheng. "Mu-Cheng, you asked me about what happened to Ye Fan and I found out what happened."

"Apparently, Ye Fan went to a nightclub and fought with someone over a hostess. He beat the guy up very badly and the poor man is still in the ICU and might die anytime. It's a bit hard to avoid jail time since this is a violent crime. If the other party ends up dying, he would be sentenced even more severely and might even have to pay compensation."


"Compensation? What the hell?! He's gone round making trouble and we have to pick up the shit for him? He can forget about making us pay any compensation for him!" shrieked Han Li in anger when she heard that she might have to pay compensation.


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