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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 37


"You bastard! You lowly cur! How dare you hit my husband!”

When she saw the security guard beating her husband, Qiu Mu-Ying's eyes turned bloodshot with anger and she hurried forward to give the boorish employee a piece of her mind.

Wang Qiao-Yu also went berserk and she was about to slap the guard, to avenge her son-in-law's beating.

"What? You want a fight?”

"You have to think carefully. Whose property is this? Think twice before you start causing trouble here. Can you afford to offend the owner?"

The security guard had seen his fair share of shrewish customers, so he was prepared to deal with them. With a wave of his hand, he summoned a dozen or so security guards from inside the hotel. The new arrivals were all armed with batons and looked very unfriendly.

Like all bullies, Wang Qiao-Yu was afraid of those stronger than herself. So when she saw that she was outnumbered, she lost the will to fight. Her face turned pale from fear and she promptly shut her mouth.

"Are you still not leaving?"

"If you block the way of the VIP, do you think you can bear the consequences?" Once again, the guard's furious voice rang out from the front.

The other Qius were also feeling a little scared, so Qiu Guang said: "Ying-Ying. Wen-Fei. A true man knows when to retreat and when to advance. Let us move our cars elsewhere and then we can discuss what to do next."

And even though they really did not want to, Qiu Mu-Ying and the others had not choice but to follow the plan. So the hitherto impressive looking motorcade retreated disheartenedly from Yunjing Hotel, before they had even reached the main doors.

'Wen-Fei, what's going on? Did we get the time mixed up?"

"Perhaps the hotel is expecting a different VIP guest today?"

The Qius did not go far, and had parked the cars just beside the hotel. Just then, the eldest Qiu brother, Qiu Guang, was going over the incident with Chu Wen-Fei.

"Impossible. How could we get the time wrong? Everyone saw the time printed on the invitation. It's today."

"And, it's written on the banners. They are welcoming Ying-Ying and me. We did not make a mistake." Chu Wen-Fei was looking troubled because he could not figure out what had gone wrong earlier.

"That's right," the Qius nodded in agreement. But still, they were confused. Since Wen-Fei had been invited, why did the hotel bar him from entering?

Just then, Wang Qiao-Yu slapped her thigh and exclaimed: "I know! Because Wen-Fei doesn't usually show his face in public, the low-level people do not recognize him.

They thought our Wen-Fei was an impersonator. We just have to wait till Mr. Shen arrives. He will be able to recognize Wen-Fei.”

"Mm, Qiao-Yu is right. Since it is like that, we will just have to wait here." Master Qiu nodded in agreement. And all at once the assembled Qius disembarked from their vehicles and squatted by the roadside. As they waited for Shen Jiu-Yi to arrive, the Qius looked just like unemployed peasant workers.

Because it was the summer holidays, the heat was stifling hot and, in just a short while, the Qius had started to sweat heavily. Master Qiu, who was old and infirm, nearly fainted from the heat.

"Tell me what's going on.”

"We are supposed to be having a meal with a big boss but, now, we are getting cooked alive here."

"I should have followed Lei's example and avoided this mess. I am getting tanned like a piece of charcoal." Ma Ling, the wife of the fifth Qiu brother, was starting to complain. Chu Wen-Fei and his family had terrible expressions when they overheard her. It was obvious that the turn of events had made them look bad.

"That's enough. Stop complaining, will you?" Qiu Yuan, the fifth Qiu brother, stared at his wife to shut her up. And silence descended once more. But the assembled Qius were getting impatient, and some of the children were clamoring to go home.

"Wen-Fei, why don't you give your father a call? Let him call the Shens and ask them why they are late?" Qiu Luo could not stand it any longer, so he went and advised his son-in-law to take action.

Chu Wen-Fei had no other choice but to agree.


"Someone is coming out."

"The one in the front. Wearing a suit. Isn't that Shen Fei, Shen Jiu-Yi's son?"

"Oh my god, so they were in the hotel all along?"

"Wen-Fei, quick. Hurry over and let Shen Fei know we are here. Get him to let us in!"

The sharp-eyed Wang Qiao-Yu was the first person there to recognize Shen Fei and pick him out from the crowd.

Immediately after Wang Qiao-Yu had identified Shen Fei, the Qius got themselves all worked up. They crowded behind Chu Wen-Fei as the latter ran over to greet Shen Fei.

"Young Master Shen, the driver just called. Mr. Chu will be arriving soon."

"Mm, okay. Quick, you guys go to the kitchen and see if the food is ready. The rest of you follow me. We will go welcome Mr. Chu together."

For Shen Fei, it was the moment of truth. He was so excited that his voice trembled a little when he spoke. His father had not yet arrived, so he was fully in charge of the welcoming ceremony. Naturally, Shen Fei dared not slack off. Once he received notification of Ye Fan's impending arrival, he quickly gathered the executives of Yunjing Hotel and, together, they proceeded to the entrance to welcome their guest.

But as soon as Shen Fei had stepped out of the main doors, a crowd swarmed shamelessly around him. They were led by Chu Wen-Fei and Qiu Mu-Ying.

At first, Chu Wen-Fei had wanted to address Shen Fei respectfully as "Young Master Shen", but he changed his mind after some thought. After all, Shen Fei's father, Shen Jiu-Yi, had personally invited him to the banquet. Chu Wen-Fei was supposed to be the VIP guest, so Shen Fei should be the one doing the toadying.

No, I have to show them who's boss. I can't bring shame on my father.


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