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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 38

In front of the Yunjing Hotel.

Among the multitude of luxury cars, Shen Fei and his executives were standing there, bowed at the waist.

With their arms linked together, Ye Fan crossed the red carpet with Qiu Mu-Cheng. A gentle breeze stirred and the latter's hair fluttered about erratically. Meanwhile, the respectful greetings continued to accompany the power couple as they made their way toward the main doors.

With the beauty in his arm, Ye Fan walked up the steps. At that moment, the husband and wife pair looked like an emperor and his queen. They were like the sun and moon, surrounded by their attendant stars. Everyone's attention was focused on them. With every step they took, the female greeters on both sides of the carpet would bow in greeting. All at once, the sounds of the employees' greetings rose and fell around them like waves at sea.

Behind the power couple, the assembled Qius were in a daze and the overwhelming shock they felt could be seen in their eyes.

They could not believe their eyes. Their hitherto lowly live-in son-in-law, Ye Fan, was radiating such splendor at that moment.

His towering aura of nobility was dazzling as the sun. Amidst the sounds of Shen Fei and the hotel employees paying him homage, Ye Fan's radiance was so bright that nobody could look directly at him.

At the same time, Qiu Mu-Cheng, who had been following Ye Fan, was also bathed in the light of splendor. Her emotions burned brightly in her exquisite eyes, and her smile was so dazzling that it brought to mind the blooming of flowers in spring.

Just then, as Qiu Mu-Cheng followed Ye Fan, she could feel the awe from the multitude gazing at her. For a brief moment, she felt as if she was holding the world in her hand.

"How...How could it be him?"

"How could it be them?" "That Ye Fan is just a useless piece of trash. A live-in son-in-law. He has no redeeming feature at all, so why would Mr. Shen treat him with such respect?”

The Qius were all confused. Meanwhile, Qiu Mu-Ying was staring at the couple with bloodshot eyes, as jealousy and hatred raged within her.

And Master Qiu was so stunned that he stayed rooted to the spot, as his face twitched uncontrollably. "How...how could it be him?"

"Could it be that our family has underestimated this son-in-law?"

"Could it be that he's actually the hidden dragon of the Ye family?"

Master Qiu's face was flushed due to the shock he had just gone through and his heart almost skipped a beat.

The inside of Yunjing Hotel was opulent.

A pair of stewardesses, chosen for their exquisite looks and excellent figures, had been assigned to stand at every turn of the passageway. And the gorgeous cheongsams they were wearing helped to accentuate their comportment.

Along the way, Qiu Mu-Cheng looked self-conscious, as it was her first time experiencing such luxurious treatment. Due to her nervousness, she clutched tightly at Ye Fan with her petite hand and refused to let go. At that moment, she finally understood the bliss of having a reliable man beside her.

As for Ye Fan, he maintained a calm demeanor throughout the whole experience, as if he had already gotten used to the opulence before him a long time ago. Even as he was being shown to his seat in the dining hall, he did not display even a hint of self-consciousness or fluster.

"Mr. Chu, my father is on his way here. He will arrive soon."

"If you are not expecting any other guests, maybe we can serve the food now? You can enjoy your meal with your wife first." In front of Ye Fan, Shen Fei was acting restrained. The latter's tone was respectful and, when he spoke, he would bow at the waist. In front of Ye Fan, Shen Fei was as servile as a servant, and not a trace of his former arrogance as a rich man's son could be seen.

After all, the man in front of Shen Fei had a terrifying background. Even the boss of Yunzhou city, Li Er, had to behave respectfully in front of Ye Fan. And the Shens could not afford to offend Li Er, as they were just underlings of the latter. Therefore, the Shens absolutely must not displease Ye Fan, who was the master of Li Er.

"Mm~" Ye Fan was about to nod in agreement.

But Qiu Mu-Cheng suddenly started to look around the room. And then she asked in a whisper, "Ye Fan, my grandfather and the others have not yet arrived?"

Ye Fan smiled and said, "Didn't you see them just now? When we were going in, your grandfather and the others were watching us."

"Ah?" Qiu Mu-Cheng was surprised when she heard this. "So you are telling me grandfather and the others are still waiting outside? Why haven't they come in yet?"

"What? So they are your relatives. It's my mistake, my mistake. I will go welcome them." When Shen Fei heard this, he turned pale right away and started to sweat profusely. Right after saying his piece, Shen Fei hurried to the entrance to welcome the Qius.

After all, they were Mr. Chu's relatives. If Shen Fei disrespected them, he might offend Mr. Chu.

"Honey, what should we do?"

"Could Ye Fan really be some big shot!”

"We have treated him so badly. Now that he's successful, he will not let us off the hook." Ma Ling, the wife of the fifth Qiu brother, was getting worried. The other Qius were also frightened and panicking.

"Hmph, what kind of stupid big shot!" "The Shens invited our Wen-Fei and Ying-Ying, but Qiu Mu-Cheng and her trashy husband weaseled their way in. Now they are basking in the reflected glory of my daughter and son-in-law.” Instead of feeling fearful, Wang Qiao-Yu was lambasting Ye Fan and Qiu Mu-Cheng.

“I think, Mr. Shen's driver must have missed us earlier. So that bitch Qiu Mu-Cheng and her trashy husband took the opportunity to impersonate the identities of Mr. and Madam Chu. They are just pretending to be our Wen-Fei and Ying-Ying.”

"And these low-level underlings. They have never attended a high-society function before, so it's only natural that they can't recognize our Wen-Fei. That piece of trash probably found it easy to fool them."

"Yes, that was probably what happened!"

"If you don't believe me, just wait till Mr. Shen returns. He will definitely discover that the bastard Ye Fan and that bitch Qiu Mu-Cheng are imposters. At that time, he will definitely come out to apologize to our

Wen-Fei, and invite us in.”

At first, Wang Qiao-Yu had only been guessing. But as she kept repeating her lies, she started to believe in them.

"Yes, that bitch Qiu Mu-Cheng must have used my name."

"Otherwise, why would all these people show her respect?"

"And that Ye Fan is even worse. He's just a country bumpkin named Ye. How dare he use the name of my husband, and call himself Mr. Chu?"


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