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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 408

"That's right, Grandpa, persuade Mu-Cheng against this. Otherwise the Qiu family is really going down," said Qiu Mu-Ying hurriedly to her grandfather. She was in a terrible panic and couldn't be bothered about her pride now.

Old Master Qiu had a really nasty expression on his face when he watched his family members start persuading him to plead with Qiu Mu-Cheng.

His expression kept looking worse and worse as he was put in a dilemma.

All this while, he had treated Qiu Mu-Cheng as a disgrace to the family, and the entire family looked down on her.

Back then, Old Master Qiu was the one who chased Qiu Mu-Cheng and her family out too.

And now, his family wanted him, an old man, to plead with a daughter he threw out?

That was like roasting him over an open fire!

How did they expect the old man to put his pride away?

In the end, Old Master Qiu merely snorted angrily at the rest of his family. "What's there to plead for?"

"If they want to investigate, so be it! I've always been above board and I've never done anything to let the country or our ancestors down. I'm not afraid of a check. If they want to check, let them go ahead. It's a little embarrassing for now, but once they're done with the investigation and we turn out clean, then it won't be embarrassing anymore!"

"And what's this about the Qiu family going down? What nonsense! We've not done anything illegal, so why would we collapse? You want me to plead with a woman I threw out? You want me to beg a family of useless trash? You can dream on! There's no way I'm doing anything so embarrassing! Humph!" declared Old Master Qiu coldly. His voice was prideful and his eyes were icy.

He even glared angrily at Qiu Mu-Cheng.

After that, he snorted angrily and turned to leave.

Old Master Qiu was a very proud man, so there was no way he was going to bow to someone younger than himself in front of so many people. And worse still, the other party was the one he condemned and threw out of the house, so that was even worse than killing him.

On top of that, Old Master Qiu was very confident that Qiushui Logistics' operations were clean and so he didn't need to fear an investigation by the authorities.

So of course he wasn't going to plead with Qiu Mu-Cheng even if he ended up offending Wu Wei-Tao.

"What a stubborn old man!" Jiang Hong and Wang Qiao-Yu spat out quietly as they watched their father-in-law storm off.

But there was nothing they could do now.

They couldn't force the old man to plead with Qiu Mu-Cheng.

The only thing they could do now was to try and clean up the company accounts so that the authorities wouldn't find anything.

"Qiu Mu-Cheng, you ungrateful woman. You're worse than an animal! How could you be so heartless towards your grandfather and your relatives! Excellent! Just you wait!"

Now that things had come to this stage, Qiushui Logistics was now at loggerheads with Mufan Real Estate.

Qiu Guang and his family didn't care anymore and yelled at Qiu Mu-Cheng as her elders.

After that, they didn't stick around and went back to Yulong Hotel as well.

Even though this had happened, the Qius had no intention of cancelling their ribbon cutting ceremony.

They were going to continue their ceremony after returning to the hotel.

After the Qius left, it was much quieter within Mufan Real Estate.

Qiu Mu-Cheng and her staff were released on the spot, and Wu Wei-Tao went around to make sure they were alright.


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