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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 409

"None of you are to leave today! It wasn't easy for us to get together to have a drink, so let's get drunk today, alright?" laughed Qiu Guang merrily.

Old Master Qiu was on his high chair as he laughed loudly as well. "That's right, everyone. Since all of you have come to attend my family's event, then we must take good care of all of you."

"Don't worry yourself over all those things that happened outside earlier, don't get yourself into a bad mood over it. Let's all have a good meal and celebrate together. Don't worry, the Qiu family will not treat you badly, we have more than enough good food and wine. Just let us know if you need anything," Old Master Qiu continued to be warm and welcoming as the host of the evening.

But even though the Qius were so friendly, the guests still waved their hands about and took their leave, "Old Master Qiu, we understand where you're coming from."

"But we all have something else on and we really can't stay for dinner. So don't bother treating us tonight, we'll gather again some other time if the opportunity arises. Old Master Qiu, Qiu Guang, we'll take our leave first."

Then the guests returned to Yulong Hotel and took all the gifts they gave to the Qius back as well, much to the horror of Old Master Qiu and his family.

"What...what are all of you doing?" Qiu Guang was stunned.

Old Master Qiu was filled with shock.

Qiu Mu-Ying and the rest watched on with wide eyes and an open mouth.

They never imagined that their guests not only refused to eat dinner at their banquet, but also took back the gifts that they had given to the Qius earlier.

What did they mean by this?

Wasn't this making things awkward for the Qiu family?

Old Master Qiu immediately flew into a rage and asked angrily as he got up with a start. "Stop! Stop! What are all of you doing?!"

Wang Qiao-Yu was also furious. "Fine if you don't want to eat, but why are you taking the things away?"

"Those things belong to the Qiu family and you dare to take them? What a joke! Who takes back a gift that they've given away?"

The Qiu family finally fell out with all their guests at the banquet.

But the guests weren't surprised. When they took back all the gifts before leaving, they weren't going to care if the Qius got angry or not.

But when the Qius did get angry, Mr Wei laughed coldly. "The Qiu family?”

"Your Qiu family is about to collapse, and I'm afraid there will be no Qiu family in Yunzhou in the future. This family of Qius are just a family of idiots. You've got eyeballs that can't see, and you don't judge others properly."

"Especially you, Old Master Qiu. You're seriously just an old fogey who's so muddleheaded. You chased the really capable ones out of the family, and left bunch of idiots behind. Even if the Qiu family collapses, you guys deserve it."

"As for the gifts, why should a family on the verge of collapsing be worthy of our gifts? Stop thinking so highly of yourselves! Old Master Qiu, you take care of your own matters. We're off now."

Once one lost his power and status, others would abandon him as well.

The Qiu family had offended a big shot, and made Wu Wei-Tao so furious.

The guests were pretty sure that the Qiu family was definitely going to collapse.

Now they couldn't wait to avoid the Qiu family, so how could they stay here and congratulate them?

And of course they had to take those congratulatory gifts back.

That was how business-related friends worked.

They would be friends when there were benefits, and no longer friends if there wasn't anything to gain.

Everyone came together because of benefits, and everyone went wherever it benefited themselves the most!

Sometimes, life was cruel like that.


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