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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 436

The hall of the Xu house was completely silent. Everyone was too shocked.

There was nothing but the sound of Old Master Xu's howls of pain.

Everyone was stunned into silence as they saw how Xu Wen-Qing was kneeling pitifully on the floor.

Nobody knew what to do.

Wang Kai-Ge nearly went crazy.

That man on the floor was Xu Wen-Qing.

That was the father of Xu Feng-Liang, the current head of the Xu family, and he was currently the eldest member of the Xu family.

But now, this greatly respected person had been forced to kneel by Ye Fan!

Where did Ye Fan find the guts to do this?

Wasn't he afraid that the Xu family might take revenge on him?

Many of the shocked guests were also gasping profusely.

They all felt that Ye Fan had really gotten himself into big trouble this time.

"Old Master Xu got kicked into kneeling on the floor."

"This is definitely trouble..."

The Xu family was one of the four most powerful families in Yanjing.

They were on the wane, but the sort of influence and power they could wield in Yanjing was definitely difficult for someone from a much smaller place like Ye Fan to fight with.

The moment Old Master Xu was forced to kneel, many people felt like they could already see the tragic end of Ye Fan coming.

Xu Lei's face had also paled at this sight. But after receiving shock after shock, she finally shook her head slowly and let out a long sigh.

She knew that Ye Fan and the Xu family were irreconcilable from the minute Ye Fan kicked her granduncle to the floor. And now, she was also going to stand by Ye Fan and go up against the Xu family.

"It's just as well. Fan offended the Xu family for my sake, so even if the Xu family takes revenge, I'm going to hold up against them alongside Fan. No matter what storms we have to face, we'll face them together.”

Xu Lei looked at Ye Fan and her conflicted heart started to calm down after she made a decision. Those beautiful eyes of hers started to gleam with a strange yet determined brightness.

Once everything had gone past the point of no return, this brave young lady decided to stand next to Ye Fan.

With Ye Fan by her side, she wasn't afraid of anything.

While everyone else was still shuddering in fear, Xu Mei-Feng and her mother were staring at him in disbelief with bloodshot eyes.

Their eyes nearly popped out of their heads when they watched Ye Fan kick Xu Wen-Qing into kneeling.

"You...you're really bold! How dare you hit my grandfather?!" Xu Mei-Feng was going mad soon.

She thought that no matter how bold Ye Fan was, he would never dare to hit her grandfather.

After all, her grandfather was the eldest member of the family and was the father of the current head of the family. How dare Ye Fan hit someone of such a respectable position?

But after what just happened, Xu Mei-Feng realized she was wrong all along.


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