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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 437

"You can go to hell! Respect you like a god?! I think you've read too many fantasy books! What an idiot!"

Xing Tian's expression darkened when he heard what Ye Fan said.

He now looked at Ye Fan like Ye Fan was an idiot.

The other people in the hall also started shaking their heads.

"Youngsters really have no fear."

"He's from a small city after all, so he doesn't know how powerful the people in Yanjing can be.”

"He'll learn a painful lesson after today, I suppose."

Everyone started making comments and their impression of Ye Fan only became worse.

Even Wang Kai-Ge sighed even though he admired Ye Fan so much earlier.

He felt that Ye Fan was being too arrogant and complacent, and was now being boastful.

It was difficult for such a man to make it big even if he were truly gifted.

Xu Lei started to become anxious after hearing all this.

She knew that Ye Fan said all these things in order to make himself look good.

But that wasn't the way to do it.

"Fan, Master Xing is very highly skilled in martial arts and you really can't handle him. We should go right now. Don't worry, even if you run now, we won't laugh at you. You'd only be making a wise decision," Xu Lei tried to persuade him as her eyes turned bloodshot from anxiety.

Lin Wen-Jing ran over and tried to get Ye Fan to take Xu Lei away right now.

But Ye Fan didn't budge even after the two ladies pleaded with him. He continued to stand where he was calmly and didn't look like he was going to run.

Lin Wen-Jing started feeling frustrated when she saw this.

She didn't think that Ye Fan would be such a complacent and audacious man who was more concerned with his ego than anything else.

She thought that the Fan that Miss Xu always talked about must be a capable and sensible man, and that's why she went all the way to Yunzhou to get Ye Fan here. She had hoped that Ye Fan would be able to rescue Xu Lei from the terrible situation she was in.

She didn't expect Ye Fan to be a brash youth instead.

He had just barged into the Xu house all by himself.

And now he probably couldn't save Xu Lei, and he might have made things even worse for Xu Lei instead.

"If I had known, I wouldn't have told Ye Fan to come." Lin Wen-Jing began to regret this decision.


Just then, a set of low footsteps could be heard from outside the hall.

Everyone soon heard an authoritative and angry voice call out from outside the hall.

"Which blind bat dared to hit one of the sons of the Xing family? Looks like I have left Yanjing for too long, so there are some idiots who are actually tired of living and no longer have any regard for the Xing family!"

An older man came walking in angrily in a long gray robe. His hair was graying but his expression was alert. His steps stirred up a fierce and cold wind as he walked into the hall.

It was clear from just his appearance that this man was definitely a martial artist who had spent many years in training.

Even though in this modern and developed world, traditional martial arts was on the wane, it still formed the core of this country's culture and had never disappeared, just that the number of those who appreciated it had decreased in number.

"He's here!"

"Master Xing is here."

"Looked like that young man can forget about leaving this place."

Everyone started to shake their heads and look pitifully at Ye Fan when they saw the older man storm in.


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