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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 460

After finding out that his own son, Xue Ming-Zhi, had brought men to surround and kill Ye Fan, Old Master Xue was frightened so badly that he just felt his mind go blank and his soul was about to leave his body now.

That was Dragon Master!

That was the true master of the Xue family, the Dragon Master of Xue Ren-Yang!

Almost ten years had passed now.

Xue Ren-Yang had been his subordinate for the past ten years, and the Xue family had grown to be so successful today only because that man was incredibly intelligent and scheming. That was how the Xue family got out of crisis after crisis, and had the last laugh no matter how the odds were stacked against them.

And now they had a strong foothold in Yanjing to become the best out of the three up and coming families!

The longer he worked for that man, the more Xue Ren-Yang realized how frightening he could be.

He planned everything out carefully and could plan his victory mile ahead of others.

Every time the Xue family was at a difficult crossroad, that man would always help them to make the right choice.

The reverence that Xue Ren-Yang had for him had accumulated over all these times of failure and crisis.

At the same time, Xue Ren-Yang knew that since he could make the Xue family the top up and coming family within a short period often years, he could also completely bankrupt Xue Ren-Yang if he wanted to.

Even though Xue Ren-Yang had never seen this man before, he had always been following his orders via Han.

And because of that, this man was even more mysterious than ever.

And this made Xue Ren-Yang even more reverent and admiring of him!

All this time, Xue Ren-Yang always dreamt of meeting this benefactor of his. He wanted to see who was steering all of this.

You can say that Xue Ren-Yang had waited and looked forward to this meeting for ten years now.

Moreover, the Xue family was going through a crisis right now. If he wanted to survive this crisis, then this man would hold the key to their survival.

But he never imagined that at this critical moment, his son actually brought men to deal with his great benefactor, and to offend the man whom Xue Ren-Yang both respected and feared the most.

It wasn't difficult to understand why Xue Ren-Yang was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

But this wasn't the time to talk about this.

While there was a still a chance to turn things around, Xue Ren-Yang called Ye Fan to ask him to tell that son of his to just wait there without doing anything and he was on his way right now.

After hanging up, Xue Ren-Yang hopped into his car and sped towards Wolong Hotel.

Before leaving, Xue Ren-Yang roared angrily at his family members, "A bunch of fools!”

"My entire business is going down the drain because of a bunch of bastards like you fools. I'll come back and deal with all of you later!”

After he was done scolding them, Xue Ren-Yang hurried his driver and they drove as quickly as possible to Wolong Hotel.

The driver even ignored all the traffic lights at Xue Ren-Yang's orders, and just sped like crazy towards Wolong Hotel.

Back at the hotel lobby.

Ye Fan had just hung up and the guns were still pointing at him.

But Ye Fan wasn't bothered by them and just looked at Xue Ming-Zhi as he said calmly, "You're Xue Ming-Zhi, right?"

"Your dad told me to tell you to just stay here and not do anything. He'll be here in 10 minutes."

"Gosh, you little punk, are you getting addicted to this?” yelled Zhao Wu-Ji with a snort before Xue Ming-Zhi could respond. He just looked at Ye Fan like he was an idiot.

"You're really good at pretending! You're just a countryside louse from Jiangdong and you think Old Master Xue would really call you? Who do you think you are?" Xu Mei-Feng had picked herself up from the floor and started yelling at Ye Fan in disdain as well.

She had been knocked to the floor by one of the Xue family bodyguards earlier and her butt still hurt terribly.

She was now going to direct all the hatefulness in her heart on Ye Fan.

But Xue Ming-Zhi just shook his head and his dark eyes remained fixed on Ye Fan.

After a brief moment of silence, Xue Ming-Zhi actually agreed to Ye Fan's request.

"Fine, I'll give you ten minutes. If my father doesn't appear by then, I'll see what else you have to say."

Xue Ming-Zhi's sinister voice surprised everyone else.

"Mr Xue, don't tell me you really believe the crap that this idiot is saying? Do you really think Old Master Xue would call this countryside louse personally?" asked Xu Mei-Feng anxiously when she realized that Xue Ming-Zhi actually agreed to this.


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