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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 461

Everyone was shocked to watch this crazy car suddenly crash into the hotel lobby.

Who would have thought that a car would actually just drive straight into the hotel like that?

There were several meters of steps outside no less.

How did it get in?

Could this car fly?

Many people nearly peed their pants.

Just moments ago, a firing squad nearly happened.

And now, a wild car had actually crashed right in from nowhere.

A lot of people thought this car was going to run them over and they were on the verge of tears.

Xu Mei-Feng was also sprawled on the floor in fear.

As for Xue Ming-Zhi, he jumped up from fright, then moved aside when the car first crashed in.

After all, that car just crashed in from the entrance and went straight. If it drove another few meters forward, it was going to run Xue Ming-Zhi over for sure.

"What's going on today?"

"We didn't do anything to offend the gods!"

"Why is everything happening now?"

A lot of the hotel guests were crying from being too frightened.

They had indeed gone through a lot of frightening things over the past few hours.

They felt that all the frightening things they had been through all their lives didn't add up to as much.

But thankfully they were frightened for nothing.

After the car crashed in, it stopped


A few people had been hurt by the flying glass, but everyone else was fine.

But that was still a huge scare.

Older ones like Wei Lin felt like his heart was going to leap out of his mouth.

Everyone was still shuddering from the shock just now.


While everyone was still trying to recover from shock, the slightly crooked car door was opened.

A figure clutched his head and barely managed to stick one foot out of the car.

Some of the more hot-tempered guests in the hotel were instantly enraged.

They went over to shout at the man angrily.

"What the hell? You still dare to get out of your car? Do you know how to drive? Are you blind? Can't you see that this is a hotel? Are you driving with your eyes closed? If you knock into the master of the house, then ten of your lives won't be enough to make up for it! If you're an idiot, then stay at home and don't come outside and hurt others!" one of them yelled furiously.

He wished he could kick the fellow in the car to death.

"What the hell? What bad luck! I almost got knocked down by a car in a hotel?!" someone else spat angrily.

Xue Ming-Zhi was frightened half to death earlier and he was furious too.

After all, this car nearly killed him too.

This was a matter of life and death!

Who wouldn't be angry?

And so, Xue Ming-Zhi angrily marched over and was about to kick the person who was getting out of the car.

"Where is this idiot from? How dare you drive without opening your eye...Dad... Dad?!" Xue Ming-Zhi started on his tirade until he realized that the man getting out of the car was his father, and his face blanched.

He was completely rooted to the floor now.

He felt like his head was about to burst and Xue Ming-Zhi was completely dumbfounded.

His eyes nearly popped out of their heads.


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