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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 687

At first, Qiu Mu-Cheng was completely confused.

After Qiu Huan explained everything happened, Qiu Mu-Cheng finally understood what was going on.

"Mu-Cheng, when you married Ye Fan back then, everyone thought you married a useless coward. But it looks like you actually married a real dragon of a man! We're really grateful to Ye Fan for what he's done for us. Mu-Cheng, I'm so happy for you, I really am. If your Grandpa knew how promising Fan really is, he would definitely regret chasing you out of the family,” said Qiu Huan both excitedly and gratefully over the phone.

For some reason, Qiu Mu-Cheng's tears started rolling down her cheek as she listened to her aunt.

She was crying.

But those were tears of happiness, tears of joy.

She wasn't even this emotional when she found out that Ye Fan was Mr Chu at the Feast of the Sea and Sky.

All these years, Qiu Mu-Cheng had never been able to walk with her head up high in front of the other Qiu family members.

Everyone looked down on her and laughed at her. Only her aunt was nice to her, but even she pitied her.

But now, those dark days were finally over.

Qiu Mu-Cheng was no longer a woman that others pitied or laughed at.

Nobody would laugh at Ye Fan's birth or laugh at him for being useless and cowardly.

On the contrary, her man was going to become the man that everyone in the Qiu family would be dying to get close to, and he was going to become the king of this generation!

As the saying goes, a wife is worth as much as her husband.

Thanks for Ye Fan, Qiu Mu-Cheng could finally show off to her relatives and she could walk with her head up high.

"Auntie Huan, you don't have to be so polite with us, that's just what we ought to do. When Grandpa chased us out of the house, the only person in the entire family who helped us was you, and you were the only one who remembered me. This time, your family ran into some trouble. If Ye Fan didn't help you out, then I'll be the first one to punish him for it," laughed Qiu Mu-Cheng through her tears.

This was the first time all these years that she could speak so confidently.

Qiu Mu-Cheng had such confidence now!

She soon hung up the phone.

Qiu Huan and Lu Ming-Ze turned to head home.

"Hmm? Huan, where's Jingjing? Is she at home by herself?” Lu Ming-Ze asked casually.

Qiu Huan suddenly realized that Lu Wen-Jing had come along earlier, but she was now nowhere to be found.

She immediately went into a panic.

"Oh no! Where's Jingjing? She came out with me just now!"

While Qiu Huan and Lu Ming-Ze were panicking, a bus slowly departed from Jingzhou's Bus Terminal.

On the bus, Ye Fan sat next to a window.

His body bobbed up and down as the bus went over the bumpy road.

It had been three years since he left home. Ye Fan was finally headed back home.

For some reason, even though Ye Fan had gone through so much in life, his usually calm heart actually started to feel emotional.

Hey, do you want some water?" Just when

Ye Fan went into a daze, a tiny hand suddenly held a bottle of mineral water out at him.

Ye Fan waved his hand and smiled in reply, "Thanks, but I'm not...”

But before he could say the word 'thirsty', he immediately exclaimed when he saw who the girl next to him was.

"Oh my god! Jingjing, why are you here?!" Ye Fan was so startled and couldn't help but exclaim in shock.


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