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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 686

Tve already told someone to settle this. Auntie Huan, you just need to pick up Uncle Ming-Ze from the police station later," said Ye Fan slowly.

After finding out about Lu Ming-Ze's situation, Ye Fan got someone to make a detailed investigation,.

One of the directors in the company that Lu Ming-Ze worked for had bypassed all the other departments and approved the sale of goods that didn't pass the quality inspection, so the company got into trouble.

Lu Ming-Ze didn't even know about this matter.

The director in his company had kept it a secret from him.

As such, Lu Ming-Ze hadn't done anything wrong per se, and it was considered just negligence on his part.

But because he was their legal representative, he had to be responsible when something happened.

So Lu Ming-Ze's issue could be easy to settle, or complicated to resolve at the same time.

If nobody could catch that director who did this, then Lu Ming-Ze would have to be the scapegoat.

But since Ye Fan had intervened, then of course things weren't going to end this way.

After Wu Zhi-Ming found out how Lu Ming-Ze was related to Ye Fan, he even gave Ye Fan a call to explain this whole matter and said that he would release Lu Ming-Ze immediately.

Qiu Huan was instantly overjoyed to hear these words from Ye Fan. She thanked him profusely and there were tears in her eyes.

She didn't know if it was because she was too happy or if her tears from before hadn't dried up yet.

"Fan, is that true? Thank you so much, I'm really so, so grateful," said Qiu Huan with tears in her eyes. Her panic earlier had calmed down after she heard what Ye Fan said.

But Ye Fan only replied, "Auntie Huan, you don't have to be so formal with me. You'd better quickly go and pick him up. If you wait any longer, Uncle Ming-Ze might end up walking back home."

"You're right! I'll go right now!" said Qiu Huan in a hurry. She didn't even bother changing and ran out of the house to pick Lu Ming-Ze up.

Outside the police station.

When Qiu Huan got there, a rather exhausted looking middle-aged man was standing outside.

He smiled when he saw Qiu Huan.

He didn't say anything and just walked swiftly towards her.

“Ming-Ze!" Qiu Huan called his name agitatedly and lunged into his arms.

After getting through this crisis, Qiu Huan's tears couldn't stop streaming down her face as she wailed and scolded him, "Lu Ming-Ze, you horrible man! How dare you lie to me!"

"Why didn't you tell me that something so big had happened in the company? And you even tried to lie to me? Did you consider my feelings at all?" said Qiu Huan through her tears.

Lu Ming-Ze just smiled. "Everything turned out fine, didn't it?"

After this experience, Lu Ming-Ze suddenly realized that earning a lot of money didn't bring happiness.

Happily living the rest of his life with his wife and child was a true bliss.

"By the way, the officer inside told me that I was able to come out so quickly because we had the help of someone. Huan, what's going on? Did you ask someone for help?" Lu Ming-Ze had just been released and didn't know anything.

Qiu Huan nodded. "Ming-Ze, I was about to talk to you about that. We really must thank Fan for this. If not for him, I don't think this matter would blow over so easily. We must be good to them," said Qiu Huan gratefully.

"Fan? Which Fan?" Lu Ming-Ze was puzzled.

"The boy who married into my third brother's family, Ye Fan. Remember you went to their place in Yunzhou to pick Jingjing? I used to think that marrying him was the most unfortunate thing to happen to Mu-Cheng. But it looks like I was wrong and we were all wrong. Ye Fan isn't an ordinary man at all. He's a true dragon of the Qiu family. It's Mu-Cheng greatest fortune to have married him." Qiu Huan's voice was agitated yet reflective. At the end, she shook her head in self-deprecation.


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