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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 72


The tires of the vehicle scraped against the road and produced a high-pitched noise.

Finally, the black Benz came to a sudden stop in front of Ye Fan, nearly scaring him out of his wits.

Just then, a door opened and two men, who looked like roly-poly dolls, disembarked from the car. They were both sporting crew cuts and wearing short-sleeved grey shirts. Ye Fan was about to ask them if they knew how to drive properly when the fat duo started to scold him.


"Don't you freaking know how to walk properly?"

"Are you blind?"

"If you are blind, then don't leave your house and cause trouble for others!"

"Can you bear the responsibility for startling Master Er?"

"Oh my~"

"You useless bastards! Don't you know how to drive? Are you trying to kill me?"

At this moment, the back door of the car opened and a balding middle-aged man stepped out while clutching his head. Obviously, he had hit his head when the vehicle came to sudden stop.

Jin Bao and Yin Bao stopped yelling at Ye Fan and hurried over to their employer. "Master Er, Master Er! Are you alright? Why don't we take you to the hospital?" they said in a panic.

"Screw the hospital! The meeting is about to start! If we are late, I will kill you!" Li Er screamed in rage.

Jin Bao and Yin Bao were overwhelmed with panic, and so they decided to deflect the blame elsewhere. "Master Er, you can't blame us. We were driving carefully when some blind idiot dashed onto the road." "Master Er, please don't worry. We will get that bastard to come over and apologize to you."

After Jin Bao had made his promise, he pulled Ye Fan over and screamed: "You bastard! Do you know you are in huge trouble? Apologize to Master Er right now!"

Under the moonlight, Ye Fan stuck his hands in his pockets and looked at the uncouth middle-aged man before him.

"Apologize?" Ye Fan shook his head with a smile. "I don't think Master Er will dare to accept my apology. Am I right, Master Er?" Heavy emphasis was placed on the second "Master Er."

Li Er had been rubbing his head a moment ago. But now he stood still on the spot, as though thunderstruck.

"Mr... Mr. Chu?"

There was no way he would not recognize Ye Fan's voice.

When he lifted his head, he saw Ye Fan smiling coldly at him. Li Er was frightened out of his wits, and he immediately turned around to slap his subordinates. Jin Bao and Yin Bao were hit so hard that they spun on the spot.

"You bastards! How dare you offend Mr. Chu?"

"Quick! Apologize to Mr. Chu right now!”

Li Er almost wet his pants. He could not help thinking that his subordinates had nearly sent him to an early grave.

After all, no matter how powerful he was, he would never dare to show off in front of Mr. Chu.

"Mr. Chu, I am sorry."

"My men had failed to recognize you. I apologize to you on their behalf."

"It was all my fault. I have failed in disciplining my subordinates. I promise such a thing will never happen again."

Li Er was sweating profusely as he made

his apology.

But Ye Fan only smiled lightly and said, "It is a small matter. But we have only been apart for a few days, and you have gotten really arrogant. You were the one who nearly ran me over, but you wanted me to apologize to you?"

"Even I do not enjoy such prestige."

"Don't say that, Mr. Chu. You are my greatest benefactor and have saved my life countless times. You are just like a real father to me. No matter what happens, I will never dare to show you disrespect."

Ye Fan's words had sent Li Er into a state of panic, so the latter kept on apologizing. He wished he could just kick his troublemaking subordinates to death.

Ye Fan laughed softly, before turning to look at the panicking duo standing behind Li Er. He spoke indifferently to them: "Jin Bao and Yin Bao, right? In future, it's better to be a courteous person, a kinder person and a calmer person. Also, you should smile more often."

"Yes yes yes. We will bear your teachings in mind." Jin Bao and Yin Bao nodded their heads rapidly as they kept saying "yes." The pair felt overwhelmed by the unexpected favoritism. Who would have thought that Mr. Chu would personally teach them a lesson?

"Okay, Er. Now, tell me why you are here in Jianghai. Is it because of that Wu-something-Rong?"

Ye Fan decided to stop making fun of Li Er, who was a coward at heart. Continued teasing might inspire Li Er to start calling him "father."


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