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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 73


"Go away!"

"Don't ever come back again!"

Qiu Mu-Cheng was left fuming after her husband's prank. She had actually been worried about him, but Ye Fan had trampled on her feelings by making fun of her.

And so, after raging at Ye Fan for a while, she hung up forcibly.

Meanwhile, Ye Fan was left smiling awkwardly at the other end of the line. "I may have carried the joke too far.”

But Ye Fan had enjoyed the experience. In his opinion, bickering was a part of normal marital life.

In the past, Qiu Mu-Cheng had always been aloof and rarely spoke to him. It would have been unthinkable in the old days for her to yell at him like she had just done.

Back then, their home had felt as cold as an ice house as far as Ye Fan was concerned.

"Now, it feels more like a real home."

Ye Fan shook his head with a smile. And immediately afterward, he started sending text messages to and calling his wife to ask for forgiveness.

After all, Ye Fan had been the one to lie to Qiu Mu-Cheng, so he should be the one doing the apologizing.

After god only knew how many attempts later, Qiu Mu-Cheng finally picked up his call.

"Okay. If you want me to forgive you, then go out and buy me a washboard right now. If you can't get one, then don't bother to come back.”

Hmph, I am so pissed-

Qiu Mu-Cheng ended the call in a huff. And the pained expression on Ye Fan's face froze in the windy rain.

"Ai, never mind, never mind. A gentleman doesn't fight with a lady. For the sake of familial harmony, I will give in to her."

But just as Ye Fan was about to go search for a supermarket, he suddenly remembered that he did not have any money on him. He had the Hongqi Bank black card, but he was worried that he might not be able to use that in a normal supermarket. So in the end, he decided to just give Chen Ao a call.

"You wish to borrow money?"

"Mr. Chu, you are standing on ceremony. Just tell me how much you want. I will tell the finance department to transfer the amount to your account." Chen Ao agreed to Ye Fan's request with alacrity.

"No need to do that. I just need a little cash. Right now, for preference."

"But~" Chen Ao laughed embarrassedly. "Mr. Chu, if it is cash you want, I am afraid I can't come up with a lot in such a short time. We only have a few million in the company's safe."

Ye Fan shook his head and laughed. "It is not a problem. I only need two hundred."

"Two... Two hundred?" Chen Ao's eye twitched a little.

To think that someone as wealthy as Young Master Chu would have to resort to borrowing a mere two hundred.

"Haha, this is so embarrassing. I have no choice but to do this. My wife holds the purse strings at home. Well, I need the money urgently. I will wait for you at the restaurant's entrance.”

Chen Ao hurriedly agreed. Immediately afterward, he gave his assistant a call and instructed her to deliver the money to Ye Fan.

"Mr. Chen, what is the matter? Did something urgent come up?"

Just then, all the top honchos of Jiangdong had already gathered inside the private dining room. Everyone was waiting for the meeting to begin. So they had gotten curious when they witnessed the seemingly urgent phone conversation between their leader and Ye Fan.

Chen Ao waved his hand dismissively and said, "It was nothing. Just a phone call from a friend. Let us continue."

Outside the restaurant, Ye Fan was waiting composedly for his money.

Tonight, the atmosphere at Shengtian Restaurant was extraordinary serious. After Ye Fan's departure, they had cleared out all the diners and cordoned off the area. And there were bodyguards patrolling the one hundred meter radius surrounding the restaurant. As he looked around, Ye Fan noticed that the parking lot in front of the restaurant was filled to capacity with luxury cars.

"Wow, they are really taking this seriously."

"It looks like Wu He-Rong's return has frightened the leaders of Jiangdong."

Ye Fan shook his head and chuckled.

At this moment, his phone rang. When Ye Fan answered, the capable-sounding voice of a woman rang out from the other end of the line. It sounded unhappy.

"Are you the one who wanted to borrow money from Mr. Chen?"

"Yes, I am. And you are?" Ye Fan replied after being taken aback for a moment.

But the woman caller ignored Ye Fan's question and continued to speak coldly. "I will give you thirty seconds to get over here. I am waiting for you at the restaurant's entrance. I will only be waiting for thirty seconds. I won't be around if you arrive after the deadline.”


The call had ended.

Ye Fan was dumbfounded. And then he shook his head with a smile.


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