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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 798

"Yu-Yan, Mei, you...you...you..." stammered Ye Tian nonstop as he stared in disbelief.

He didn't think there would come a day when his daughter would rebuke him publicly because of Ye Fan. And now, even his own wife had slapped him.

The remnants of Ye Tian's pride were destroyed.

Ye Tian looked at Ye Fan and smiled sorrowfully.

"Hoho! Very well...You win, Ye Fan. You win...After everything I have accomplished as a government official, I ended up getting defeated by my own nephew..." said Ye Tian as he looked up at the sky and smiled. Tears trickled from his face as he spoke.

Ye Tian recalled how high spirited and proud he was yesterday.

However, Ye Tian's circumstances had changed so radically overnight.

He was fired from his post, and his career was destroyed. Even his family treated him like an outsider.

Ye Fan had taken everything away from him.

Now, he had lost almost everything.

But no one gave a hoot about Ye Tian's desperate cries.

Ye Fan didn't even cast a glance at Ye Tian.

Just like Ye Fan mentioned previously, all these small fries were deemed nothing to him if they weren't his biological family.

Who would give a damn about ants like them?

Even the townsfolk standing around watching as the spectacle unfolded cared more about people like Ye Fan and Rong An.

"Mr Chu, what do you think? Will you consider taking up our offer? If you have no objection, you can come by the armed forces on the 15th day of the first lunar month. I will make good on my promises then," asked Rong An with a confident smile hanging from his stern face.

The only things that mattered in life were success and power.

Since Ye Fan was still young and ambitious, he ought to appreciate any opportunity to carve out a successful career.

Rong An was giving Ye Fan utmost power in the country by offering him the role of chief military instructor and the rank of lieutenant-general.

So he felt that no one in the world would reject such power.

Rong An and the others looked at Ye Fan while they waited for his response.

Qiu Mu-Cheng was incapable of staying calm and was overwhelmed with joy in her heart.

Ye Fan had simply surprised her so much.

First, he was King of Jiangdong. Now, he was going to be a young lieutenant-general.

Qiu Mu-Cheng never expected the man she despised so much in the past to become her greatest pride and joy.

Qiu Mu-Cheng suddenly felt fortunate that she hadn't given up on this marriage and relationship.

Or else, Qiu Mu-Cheng would never be able to stand by Ye Fan's side to share his glory.

A smile appeared on the stunning girl's face as the thought crossed her mind.

Her smile was brimming with joy, relief, and her deep love for Ye Fan.

But Ye Fan finally broke his silence.


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