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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 799

Ye Fan's mood instantly lifted at the thought.

By now, Li Er and the others had led Ye Fan up to the trucks.

"Mr Chu, all the jade we collected is here."

"Good." Ye Fan nodded. "In that case, open the boxes and show them to me."

"Yes, Mr Chu!" replied Li Er as he nodded immediately.

Then he stepped forward and looked around before he shouted deeply, "Open them!"

Li Er's words sounded like a rock that fell into the ocean and left a tsunami in its wake.

In an instant, all the men shouted in unison.

"Open them!" "Open them!”

At Li Er's orders, all the truck doors opened, and the canvas was removed from them. Almost instantly, a bright dazzling light radiated from the trucks!

Sunlight bounced off the bright dazzling jade.

It was so magnificent that it could be seen miles away.

"Oh my!"

"What is that?"

"Look at how dazzling it is!”

The glittering light from the jade instantly scattered over Yeyang as the townsfolk shouted in shock.

They left their homes and came over one after another when they saw this.

Ye Xi-Lan and the others naturally saw it too from the Ye residence.

So they headed over towards the splendid dazzling light as well.

But everyone was dumbstruck when they got there.

There were countless trucks outside the village entrance.

Each car was brimming with jade.

The jade was bright, unsullied, and beautiful.

From a distance, they could see bright light glowing resplendently from the trucks.

The jade certainly wasn't the most astounding thing in their presence.

Instead, it was the proud young man standing under the skies as all leaders paid obeisance to him!

"Li Er from the Li family of Yunzhou comes bearing ten tons of jade for Mr Chu!"

"Lei San from Jingzhou is here to present Mr Chu with ten tons of jade on behalf of the Lei family!"

"Chen Ao from Jianghai is here to present Mr Chu with ten tons of jade on behalf of Chen Group!"

"Ma Fei from Fenghai is here to give Mr Chu five tons of jade!”

"Wang Jie-Xi from Haozhou is here to present Mr Chu with seven tons of jade on behalf of the Wang family!"

Men stepped forward one after another to pay obeisance reverently as their voices rang through the air.

All the onlookers in the distance were dumbstruck.

"These things...are these all for Ye Fan?"

Ye Xi-Lan and the others were beside themselves with shock as they stared wide-eyed while tsunamis surged through their hearts.

It was all jade!

It was the first time they witnessed jade being given as gifts by the ton in all their lives.

After all, it wasn't low-quality unprocessed rough jade they were talking about here, but high-quality precious stone.

A lot of it was famous and rare first-class jade.

As far as Ye Xi-Lan knew, a single gram of such high-end jade could be worth tens of thousands per gram.

Even if they weren't considered worldclass jade, they were still probably worth their weight in gold.


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