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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 911

A call was made from this hotel that very night.

"I need information about Tsukuyomi Tenshin and Sanshin Organization. Send it to my phone in a day."

His deep voice sounded like the deep howl of the wind as it echoed quietly throughout the night air.

"Hmm? Young Master, why do you need that info? Don't tell me you want to..." said the old man worriedly over the phone. He was instantly alarmed.

"Young Master, don't be reckless. Please reconsider this! You might end up having to deal with the only god realm fighter in the world! Dragon God Hall doesn't have a feud with Japan, so there's no sense in provoking them now," the old man kept persuading him.

However, the man was unmoved.

His striking face was calm.

He was like a still lake, and the old man's words failed to cause any ripple in him at all.

"I once promised to see the sights of Tokyo with her. How can I go against my word? I have made up my mind, so stop trying to change my mind. Just do as I say."

Even though his voice was deep, it sounded bright and clear.

His deep voice sounded absolutely resolute.

No one knew about the insane decision the man in the room had just made!

No one knew about the huge wave that was about to unfold in the Japanese martial arts circle.

For years, he rarely cared about anyone else. However, no one could stop him when he did.

Even if she was about to die soon.

But so what?

Since he promised to see the sights of Tokyo with her, he couldn't break his promise.

How could he let the silly girl leave the world with regret?!

Time flew by and many days passed in no time.

It was 1st May.

The new month had just begun, and things were changing.

Tokyo came back to life at the first ray of sunlight after going quiet for a night.

The men continued curling up in bed as they enjoyed their holiday.

The women made dates with their friends to go shopping in the malls.

The streets were packed.

The tourist locations were brimming with people.

The mundane world was bustling with activity.

However, no one in the mundane world knew what today meant to martial artists In Japan.

The sky slowly lit up at 6AM.

Yet there was already quite a commotion at the foot of Mount Fuji.

The night before, all the heads of the six Japanese financial groups received orders from Sword Shrine. They were to send men to help secure the area within a 1000 meter radius of Mount Fuji.

All unrelated people were banned from entry!

It didn't matter what status or background they had.


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