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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 912

A stunning beauty with fiery red lips, dark eyes, and hair cascading down her shoulders was dressed in a long dress.

She wore an exquisite headdress that covered her face and was dressed in floorlength red dress.

She had striking features and elegance.

She stood at the peak like an empress.

Her long red dress formed a stark contrast against the white snow.

The moment she appeared, everyone felt all other things on earth paled in comparison to her.

Everyone knelt like pious devotees welcoming their god.

Susa Mikoto led Suzumiya Eigetsu up the altar step by step.

There was boiling hot magma and fire on the altar.

This altar was Mount Fuji's volcano crater in reality.

It was chronicled in ancient texts that Tsukuyomi Tenshin would be reborn through fire.

So Suzumiya Eigetsu had to be sent into the magma for the so-called god awakening ceremony!

"Mikoto, it's all set. The auspicious hour is upon us, so it's time to bring the Moon God back."

Mochizuki Kawa suddenly walked out from the crowd and reminded Susa Mikoto.

"Okay,” said Susa Mikoto as he nodded.

The moment he finished his sentence, Susa Mikoto stepped onto the ground.


Snow fluttered in the raging wind.

In an instant, a gold light suddenly lit up and illuminated the skies.

On closer look, obscure runes were faintly visible on the marble altar.

A booming reverent voice reverberated through Mount Fuji in an instant.

"You have slept for a thousand years. You are the envoy of heaven and our religion. It's time to come back to your people after disappearing for a thousand years. May the almighty Tsukuyomi Tenshin be reborn from the flames and come back to us!"

Susa Mikoto placed his palms together before him as his resounding voice reverberated through the air.

Sanshin Organization's six grandmasters all knelt and shouted in unison.

Their respectful voices soon merged into a river that gushed onto Mount Fuji.

"May the almighty Tsukuyomi Tenshin be reborn from the flames and come back to us!"

Countless people followed suit and knelt with them too.

Voices surges soared into the air and swept the earth.

"We are here to welcome Tsukuyomi Tenshin when she returns to us through the flames!"

"We are here to welcome Tsukuyomi Tenshin when she returns to us through the flames!"


The earth tremored while cold wind gusted in the air.

The gorgeous young woman basked under everyone's attention as she slowly walked up to the altar while they knelt and shouted.

She was absolutely elegant and gorgeous.

The young woman looked like an emperor from ancient times who was about to ascend the throne.

Thousands of people knelt before her.

Music floated in the air.

She was dressed in a phoenix headdress with jade pearls hanging over her face.

However, Suzumiya Eigetsu didn't seem the least bit happy or excited about the honor.

She looked sorrowful and reluctant.

Her time on earth was coming to an end after all.

A few minutes later, Suzumiya Eigetsu would cease to exist in this world.

Her life would be just like the snow on the mountain peak scattering down onto the earth. No one would remember her or miss her.

But so what if Suzumiya Eigetsu was sad to leave?

This was her fate, and there was no escape from it.

She had no choice.

From the very beginning, her life had been sacrificed to someone else by others.

From the moment she was born, she was made a vessel and was destined for sacrifice.

She was dressed in a long red dress with snow in her hair.

Suzumiya Eigetsu walked slowly in small steps.

Even though she was only a few meters away from the altar, it felt like the longest walk ever.

She suddenly stopped when she finally reached the altar. Then she halted for a long time without stepping forward.

In the end, she couldn't hold her emotions back any longer, and tears came cascading down her face.

Suzumiya Eigetsu thought she would calmly accept death when the time came and end her life without hesitation.

But she realized she was mistaken.


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