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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 965

Tokyo, Japan.

Abe Chuunan was accompanied by Nakai Koichi and brought to a room.

Only two men were seated in the room.

One of them was dressed in a suit and sat quietly on one side. He was calm and collected, and didn't attract much attention.

The other person was wearing a military uniform and had two cherry blossoms imprinted on his shoulder.

When Abe Chuunan walked in, the man in a military uniform turned to look at him.

Abe Chuunan immediately felt a pressure rising from this man.

This was a presence and pressure that only a general of a few hundred thousand troops would have.

Without this sort of presence, he wouldn't be able to command so many men.

"Mr Abe, I'm sorry for suddenly disturbing you like this. Please take a seat." The man in uniform stretched his arm out towards an empty chair.

"And you are...?" Abe Chuunan was curious as to who this man was, so he immediately asked for his name first.

But the man in uniform just laughed quietly. "Who I am is not important. You just need to know that I work for the Japanese armed forces.”

"Alright now, we don't have a lot of time, so I won't beat around the bush anymore.

According to our sources, a man named Chu Tian-Fan was here the night before, right?"

Abe Chuunan got a shock. "How did you know?”

The man in uniform smiled and didn't reply him. He went on, "I don't just know that. I also know that you just saw him off."

Abe Chuunan's expression darkened. He didn't know why this general was talking to him about all this.

"What I've just said is correct, isn't it?" asked the man in uniform again.

Abe Chuunan replied in a low voice, "And so what if it is all true?"

"Last night was my private dinner party, so whom I invite to my party doesn't have anything to do with you, right? I would like to know why you are so concerned over Mr Chu," asked Abe Chuunan in return.

"You don't have to be bothered with that. I am here to ask you for a favor today. Tell me how Chu Tian-Fan intends to return to China, what mode of transportation he's taking as well as the time and place he is headed to. In short, tell us everything you know," said the man in uniform slowly. His deep and steady voice sounded more like an order than a question, and this made Abe Chuunan frown.

But Abe Chuunan soon broke into a smile. "You must be joking, right? We don't even know each other, so why should I tell you anything? Besides, Mr Chu is my friend, and I've already promised not to reveal his whereabouts. If that's all you're here for, then please go back."

Abe Chuunan then got up and turned to walk out of the room.

This man was a general, but so what?

The military was supposed to defend the country against enemies from outside the country, so even though this man could command troops, Abe Chuunan was sure that he wouldn't dare to turn them on the Abe family.

Besides, the Abe family had family members in every part of Japanese society, so there was no need for him to be afraid of this man.

But when Abe Chuunan reached the door, the two soldiers at the door stopped him.

Abe Chuunan instantly frowned and turned around as he said coldly to the man in uniform, "What do you mean by this? Are you going to use force?"

The man in uniform just smiled faintly. "Mr Abe, I don't want to treat you like this either. But this is an important matter and I hope you will cooperate with us."

"And what if I refuse to cooperate?" Abe Chuunan remained adamant.

"Then don't blame us for using some tactics to force you to cooperate," said the man in uniform calmly.

Just after he said this, a few special forces soldiers rushed in and looked like they were going to take Abe Chuunan away by force.


But when they were still about three meters away from Abe Chuunan, there was a loud blast and all the soldiers were sent flying out.

The doors and windows were all smashed by the impact of these soldiers crashing into them.


A strong wind gusted outside the window and made Nakai Koichi's sleeve flap wildly.


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