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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 966


The sound of several jeeps starting up could be heard outside the hotel.

All the jeeps soon disappeared into the distance.

But even after those men had left for a long time, Nakai Koichi remained in a daze in the room.

His aged face was completely pale.

Cold sweat was still pouring down his face.

He looked like he had just survived a terrible ordeal.

Abe Chuunan looked much calmer than him on the contrary.

He even walked over and finally asked Nakai Koichi, "Koichi, what's wrong with you? Are you alright? They're long gone already. Koichi?''

Abe Chuunan called him three times before Nakai Koichi finally snapped out of his daze.

"Are they...are they gone? Good, good...it's good that they're gone.” Nakai Koichi still seemed shaken.

Abe Chuunan had never seen Nakai Koichi so shaken before.

He wasn't even this shaken when he was faced with Ye Fan the night before.

"Koichi, say something. Don't scare me. What's wrong with you? And who was that man in a suit earlier? Why did you become so frightened when you saw him and tell me to spill all the beans? Mr Chu had instructed us not to reveal his whereabouts before leaving. If Mr Chu finds out that we were the ones who revealed his whereabouts, won't he come back to take revenge on us?" Abe Chuunan was worried.

"Who the hell cares about his revenge?" snapped Nakai Koichi uncontrollably as his expression darkened.

"Do you know who we were faced with just now?!"

Abe Chuunan froze for a while before asking in return, "You mean those people were even more formidable than Mr Chu?"

"Of course! Compared to Chu Sect, this Chu Tian-Fan is just a speck of dust. If Chu Tian-Fan could defeat a country singlehandedly, then the people behind that man in a suit are powerful enough to fight the entire world!”


Nakai Koichi's words were like the rumbling of thunder and Abe Chuunan was instantly rooted to the floor.

His entire mind went blank.

"This...this one faction of power is able to... is able to take on the world?"

Oh my god.

Abe Chuunan nearly peed his pants.

He thought that someone as powerful as Chu Tian-Fan was already at the pinnacle of power since he could defeat a nation by himself.

But now, an even more powerful group had come along.

What was the world coming to?

All these ultra-powerful men who seldom made an appearance actually made an appearance one after another.

Abe Chuunan finally understood why Nakai Koichi had been so terrified after he identified the man in a suit.

"It's been a century since someone from Chu Sect last made an appearance. This is definitely a bad sign." Nakai Koichi finally calmed down after feeling frightened for a long time.

He turned around and looked down at the city through the French windows with his hands behind his back.

He could see undercurrents surging beneath the horizon.


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