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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 967

"Master, I've already checked. Young Master is currently on the cruise, the Emperor, and is now on the way back to China. He should reach Zhonghai Port by tomorrow evening. It's still early, so why don't we find a place nearby to take a rest first?" said the old man.

But the middle aged man waved his hands. "We're not early. He's arriving tomorrow already. Let's go and wait for him at the port right now. By the way, do you think I should get new clothes? Do you think I'm dressed suitably to meet my son?" the man asked the old man by his side nervously as he straightened his collar.

"Master, you look really good already. Never mind meeting your son - you look impressive enough to meet a ravishing beauty right now.”


The two men laughed merrily and left the airport soon after.

Back in Tokyo.

Two men were quietly waiting at a command center within the armed forces.

If Nakai Koichi and Abe Chuunan were here, they would have immediately recognized these two men as the ones at the hotel who wanted to know Ye Fan's whereabouts.

Nobody spoke inside the huge command center. Only the sound of complicated equipment could be heard.

The fragrance of the tea brewing on the table filled the air.

Finally, a voice came over the radio device, "Commander, the Emperor has appeared within the radius of our radar. We await your instructions."

"Excellent. Proceed according to our plan," commanded the general after hearing this.

The general sat back down on his chair and laughed as he looked at the man in a suit across from him. "Haha, Mr Chu, everything is going well! My first division missile team has already reached their destination, and the target is also within the radius of the missile. In just a few minutes, you will receive news of the death of that Chinese young man."

"Wonderful. Thank you so much, Commander Sato. Let me give you a toast with this cup of tea!" The man in a suit raised his cup and clinked it with Sato's cup.

"Hoho, Mr Chu, you're being too polite. Being of service to Chu Sect is my greatest honor," laughed Sato merrily.

The whole room was filled with the sound of Sato's laughter.

Almost at the same time, several heavy vehicles were parked along the coastline of the Pacific Ocean, on a highland next to Tokyo Bay.

Anyone familiar with the military would immediately realize that these mysterious soldiers were a troop from the Japanese missile division.

After they received orders from their commander, the soldiers here started getting ready.

"Missile one is in position."

"Missile two is in position."

"Missile four is in position."

"Fire-control radar is now locking on target."

"Target locked. Ready to fire."

"Code to fire is 3-C-24."





An ear deafening explosion rang out like thunder exploding from that highland.

Several bright trails of fire flew through the air like dragons.

They tore through the sky, pierced the air and flew into the distant ocean with the weight of a thousand tons.

From afar, they looked like dragons rushing through the air.

The wind and clouds were gusting furiously on the horizon.

Many boats were on the sea right now.

The Emperor was now cruising along as scheduled.

Even though it was a luxury cruise and the tickets were expensive, there were plenty of people willing to spend on such things.

Hundreds of tourists were now on that very cruise, enjoying their holiday.

There were couples rolling around on the bed according to the rhythm of the waves.


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