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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 983

Li Er and the others kept the news of Ye Fan's death under wraps.

A strange and uneasy peace settled over Jiangdong.

Li Er and the others continued to manage Jiangdong on Ye Fan's behalf and attended to mundane matters in the province.

Qiu Mu-Cheng had called in sick at work. Other than her absence from work, everything else remained unchanged in Jiangdong.

Li Er and the others had privately complained about Ye Fan in the past and pointed out what a comfortable job Ye Fan had had. As the leader of Jiangdong, he had done nothing and had thrown anything to them.

What had made things worse had been his frequent disappearing acts. It had been impossible to find him when they had needed him. He had been utterly irresponsible.

As they recalled the past, Li Er and the others began to realize the wisdom in Mr Chu's actions.

Right now, no one would suspect a thing despite Ye Fan's prolonged absence.

They had grown used to it.

Everyone in Jiangdong knew how this leader of theirs would disappear from time to time. They wouldn't sense anything amiss even if he were to remain out of the public eye for a few months.

Mr Chu had done similar things in the past.

As a result, even though something had happened to Ye Fan, there would be no upheaval in Jiangdong as long as they kept that a secret.

But how long could they keep this up?

The worry that Chen Ao and his comrades felt intensified when they thought about that.

They felt as if they were in the eye of the storm.

The calm that surrounded them was a mere illusion and served only to unsettle them further.

"Mr Chu, have you truly abandoned Jiangdong?" Chen Ao sighed secretly as he stood before windows that spanned the full height of his walls at his residence in Jianghai and stared at the vast lands before him.

In the distance, storm clouds had begun to gather.

As undercurrents of change threatened Jiangdong, across the ocean lay New York, shrouded in darkness. It was late, yet at the Chu family residence, the lights in one of their studies remained lit.

A man in his middle age, dressed in refinery and exuding a stern and intimidating air sat quietly in the room.

The look on his face betrayed no emotion as his eyes wandered distractedly over the words on the page. He seemed to be waiting for someone.

A few moments later, a young man pushed the door open and walked in.

It was no other than Chu Qi-Tian, the young man who shared a complicated history with Ye Fan.

"You're here, Qi-Tian. What's the status of the investigation that I've tasked you with? Did you find anything?”

In order to legitimize his right to the position of head of the Chu family, Chu Qi-Tian had changed his name to Chu Tian-Qi recently.

But habit was a stubborn creature. His father continued to call him Chu Qi-Tian when they were alone.


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