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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 984

"Yes, Father. I'll do as you say," said Chu Qi-Tian fearfully before he left and continued the search for Ye Fan's body.

"Hold on, there's something else." Chu Zheng-Liang summoned Chu Qi-Tian back into the room after he remembered something.

"What other instructions do you have, Father?"

After a long moment of silence, the man spoke.

"We must exercise the utmost caution.

When you return, inform everyone working for the Chu family to keep an eye out for anyone who's appeared from nowhere and is called Chu Tian-Fan."

"But..." Confusion filled Chu Qi-Tian's eyes when he heard his father's instructions. Before he could raise any questions, Chu Zheng-Liang barked fiercely.

"Don't ask any questions. Just do as you're told! We must be prepared for everything if we want our great plans to succeed."

With a wave of his hand, Chu Zheng-Liang sent Chu Qi-Tian away. It was obvious that he wasn't interested in continuing the conversation.

Peace and quiet descended upon the study once again.

Throughout their entire conversation, Chu Qi-Tian had not noticed the shadow hidden in the dark behind his father. It had been guarding Chu Zheng-Liang silently like his second shadow.

The man's voice rang out from the darkness.

"Master, aren't you being excessively cautious? Third Young Master has a point. No one could have survived under those conditions.”

Chu Zheng-Liang simply shook his head. "You're right. No one ordinary could have survived. But Chu Tian-Fan is no ordinary man. He rose from poverty and from the lowest rung on the ladder, climbed his way up and became a supreme grandmaster. He got his name in the Sky Ranking.

Ordinary rules do not apply to him. He'll become a huge threat if he manages to survive. That is why I cannot rest easy unless I see his dead body with my own eyes."

Chu Zheng-Liang made his way to the window as he spoke.

Darkness loomed outside and was filled with the howls of wintry winds.

The next day, after receiving Chu Zheng-Liang's orders, every man across the world who was working for the Chu family started to keep an eye out for anyone who went by the name of Chu Tian-Fan.

Chu Zheng-Liang was a cautious name who never went without a backup plan.

He intended to have Chu Qi-Tian continue with his search for Ye Fan's body.

In addition, he made plans for the possibility that Ye Fan had survived the attack.

If he had survived, then Chu Zheng-Liang would have no choice but to kill him a second time.

Of course, he had to find Ye Fan first.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Jiangdong, a young man was hobbling down the streets of a remote little town. With his disheveled hair and dirtied clothes, he looked like a beggar who was having trouble walking.

Everyone who passed him threw disgusted glances at him and kept their distance.

No one saw the bright and fierce eyes that were hidden under his messy hair.

They shone as brightly as stars in the night!

"Life's hard. We should help each other out if we can."

There would always be a few kindhearted folks in every small town.

An old farmer who had just returned from the farms saw how terrible the young man looked and felt sorry for him. He bought a few steaming buns from a stall on the street and handed the buns to the young man.

The young man appeared oblivious to his gift.

His feet never stopped. In fact, he hadn't spared the old man a single glance.

One could spot the pride exuding from him from miles away.

"You're going to be chewing on grass when you starve later. Serves you right for not taking food when it's given to you. Fine, you've got guts. You don't accept donations. Starve then! I hope the hunger kills you!” The old man was livid.

His well-intentioned gesture had been spurned and met with ingratitude instead.

He couldn't believe it. A beggar had refused his help.

"You should've minded your own business, Wang."

"There's a reason why some people are poor."


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