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The Million-Dollar Heart novel Chapter 913

The entire episode that unfolded at the Linklater family's residence was captured in vivid detail and clarity, making its way into the national spotlight thanks to Alyssa's livestream that had viewers glued to their screens across the country.

It was a stunning turn of events.

Online, people were seething, feeling duped and manipulated for so long. They directed their outrage at Alyssa, the woman they now vilified after having praised her mistakenly. The internet was ablaze with scorn for her.

"Talk about a reality check. Alyssa, why don't you just drop off the face of the earth?!"

"It just goes to show, War God knows people. He knew who was genuine and who wasn't. Let's not meddle in others' lives anymore!"

"Did you guys see that? Alyssa didn't lift a finger to help her own brother. It was Sasha who dove in to save him. What kind of person is Alyssa?!"

"Alyssa clearly used her brother as a pawn, not caring if he lived or died, all for her own gain."

"And then there's her shamelessly coveting someone else's prize, like a two-toned, thousand-petal lotus in their pond, using her brother as an excuse to get it!"

"Sasha is the epitome of grace and kindness. The best aunt one could ask for. I'm in tears!"

"War God’s wedding is tomorrow. I swear, he's struck gold!"

"It was Sasha who had War God save Alyssa, and how does she repay them? With betrayal. Absolute monster."

Alyssa sat in front of her computer, rage boiling over as she read the comments autoplaying on her screen. In a fit of anger, she smashed her fist into the computer, "Shut up, just shut up!"

Her arm was bleeding profusely, but she felt no pain, only a relentless fury as she pounded on the computer, muttering, "Vivienne, Sasha, both of you can go to hell!"

The next day, sunlight flooded the area, heralding a glorious morning.

A fleet of the world's most luxurious sports cars lined the entrance to a secluded island in Rivenwood, their sleek forms reminiscent of a mighty dragon.

Guests, dressed in their finest, clutching wedding invitations, made their way through the grand entrance.

Photos from Sasha and Arthur's wedding shoot welcomed them, a testament to their stunning partnership.

As guests arrived, drones buzzed overhead, broadcasting the wedding to a global audience.

The entrance was bedecked with thousands of blooming roses, their beauty punctuated by elegant white sculptures.

Percival, donned in a sleek black suit and bow tie, greeted guests with an air of distinction.

Vivienne, with a smile, welcomed him, "Please, come in~"

Standing by her side, Percival whispered, "I'll help you greet grandfather."


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