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The Million-Dollar Heart novel Chapter 914

Sasha was absolutely dazzled by the stunning handcrafted fan that Willa had given her. She wrapped her arms around Willa, "Willa, I can feel the love you've put into this! I'm going to display this fan in my room and cherish it every day. It's gorgeous!"

Maddox Perez made his way through his brothers, standing in front of Sasha, eager to add more about the fan's significance. "Sasha, Willa spent more than a week handpicking the materials for this fan, consulting with craftsmen for its design, and working on it from dawn till dusk every day, only taking breaks for meals. It's a labor of love!"

Maddox was nearly moved to tears by his own words, thinking how Willa was truly the best!

Willa's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Seeing Maddox's reaction, she couldn't help but say, "Well, I'm not as skilled with my hands. Maddox here taught me some of it and helped me out. This fan is a wedding gift from both of us!"

Sasha's mouth formed an "o," drawing out her reaction in a way that sent the Perez family and Jasper into peals of laughter.

Hearing Willa say it was a joint gift filled Maddox with warmth, his eyes twinkling like stars, feeling like a puppy that had been tamed, his heart racing with joy.

Luke, the eldest Perez, stepped forward, his voice emotional, "Sasha, it feels like just yesterday you came back home, and now you're getting married. I'm not as crafty as Willa, so I bought you a couple of beachfront properties in Malibu for your honeymoon. You can stay there with Arthur."

Fredrick, the second eldest, patted Luke's back, trying to lighten the mood, "Big bro, no need for tears on such a happy day. Wipe them away..."

But even as he spoke, Fredrick's eyes began to water. "Sasha, I haven't been around much since you've been back. My gift might not be as trendy as what our eldest brother got you."

He bent down to open a chest, revealing it to be filled with gold bars, gold cutlery, and gold bowls, wishing Sasha a life of perfection.

Sasha quickly closed the chest, "Big bro, second bro, this is too extravagant! I'm doing just fine financially; this is just too much!"

Maddox clicked his tongue, "Big bro, second bro, such traditional gifts! Mine is going to be unique. Sasha will love it!"

He picked up his gift, still wrapped, treating it with utmost care.

Before unveiling it, he playfully covered Sasha's eyes, then revealed a beautifully arranged display of rare international commemorative coins, forming the word "Joy." Unlike anything found in regular markets, these coins were rare and precious, symbolizing Maddox's unique touch.

Luke and Fredrick looked on, somewhat disapprovingly, thinking it a waste of precious coins.


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