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The Million-Dollar Heart novel Chapter 921

Hailey's eyes bulged with fury, her face flushed a deep shade of crimson as Vivienne backed her into a wall, her entire body pressed against the cold surface, lifted off her feet. She was moments away from choking, her breaths short and panicked.

Drake's face was a mask of fear. "Vivienne, have you lost your mind? You're gonna kill your aunt?" he shrieked, rushing to pry Vivienne's hands away. But a glare from Vivienne sent him freezing in place, his legs wobbling like jelly.

His finger trembled as he pointed at Vivienne. "If you kill Aunt Hailey, I swear I'll call the cops on you! You're insane, Vivienne, a complete lunatic!"

Seeing Vivienne being bullied by Hailey had secretly thrilled him, a perverse joy he hadn't felt in a long while. But now, with Vivienne on the verge of doing the unthinkable, his courage faltered.

Hailey, struggling for air, her hands flailing and feet kicking in desperation, couldn't utter a single word.

Vivienne's voice was icy, devoid of emotion. "Hailey, this is the last time you hurt me. There won't be a next time."

With that, she released Hailey, who collapsed to the floor, gasping for air, her face pale.

Hailey, wheezing on the ground, glared up at Vivienne. "I'll have my brother kick you out of the Linklaters!" she rasped.

"And who will you have kicked out?" came a stern voice from behind. Yorick, leaning on his cane, slowly made his way forward.

Upon seeing Yorick, Hailey's eyes filled with tears, her voice breaking as she sobbed, "Grandpa, Vivienne nearly strangled me! She's determined to kill me. You mustn't let her stay with the Linklaters!"

"It's either her or me in the Linklater family!"

Yorick's gaze darkened as he looked down at Hailey sprawling on the floor. "What else do you want me to do?"

Vivienne stood calm, her demeanor unshaken.

Hailey, wiping her tears, her eyes burning with vengeance, declared, "From now on, the Linklaters will not acknowledge Vivienne as part of this family. Her mother, Sasha, might have married into this family, but she is not welcome. She's banned from stepping foot in this house!"

Drake, standing by Yorick, pleaded, "Dad, Aunt Hailey is telling the truth. Vivienne really did try to kill her. She wouldn't listen to me!"

"People like her can't stay with the Linklaters. Who knows if she might hurt someone else in the family?"

"Dad, I agree with Aunt Hailey. You have to kick Vivienne out!"


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