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The Million-Dollar Heart novel Chapter 922

Arthur released his grip, his hands forming fists so tight that his knuckles cracked audibly.

Sasha strode up to Vivienne, seeing the bruise on her face, a surge of anger washed over her.

Then, she turned to Hailey, planting herself firmly before her with a look of superiority, "Pray tell, aunt, why did you harm my daughter?"

Hailey rose from the floor, her eyes locked on Sasha with venom, "She was out all night, not returning, mingling with men unbefitting her status. Shouldn't she be disciplined? As your daughter, to leave a wedding reception without a word to you, does that not warrant a punishment?"

In a flash, a bright red mark appeared on Hailey's face from Sasha's slap.

Without waiting for Hailey to shriek like a banshee, Sasha swiftly inserted several acupuncture needles into her body, rendering her immobile and mute without Sasha's permission.

Sasha's voice was cold, "Vivienne left with Percival last night, her husband, her lawful husband. It was within all reason and far from the scandal you insinuate!"

"You claim Vivienne left without our knowledge, but had I wished to keep her from leaving, she wouldn't have been able to. There was no need for her to ask; my silence was consent!"

"That's one reason you deserve this!" In an instant, Sasha's hand connected with Hailey's left cheek again, leaving her almost numb with pain, a trickle of blood emerging from the corner of her mouth.

Sasha allowed Hailey to speak again, "Regardless of what you say, her leaving in the face of our guests was a slap to the Linklater family's dignity!"

With another swift slap, Sasha's hand targeted Hailey's left cheek, shaking her to her core.

Sasha continued with a tone of undeniable authority, "It seems to me, the one disregarding the Linklater family's dignity is you!"

"Had you not harmed Vivienne, causing this scene, who would care about such trifles? You've dragged our family's name through the mud!"

"Instead of presenting a united front, you nitpick and trouble my daughter! Do you wish to see the Linklater family fall into disrepute? What right do you have to speak of Vivienne tarnishing our family's name?"

With another forceful slap to the left cheek.

Hailey's face was a sight of horror, her left ear ringing.

If not for Sasha's needles paralyzing her, Hailey would've collapsed.

Sasha shook her hand, the pain of her actions echoing through her palm, her eyes sharp, her tone commanding, "Apologize to my daughter!"


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