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The Million-Dollar Heart novel Chapter 962

Vivienne's phone buzzed with an incoming message from Draven.

"Hunter belongs to an ancient line of warriors!"

Raising an eyebrow, Vivienne typed back, "Keep digging. Miss nothing."


The alert for a new message went off, and as Vivienne marveled at Draven's efficiency, her screen was flooded with nearly a hundred messages.

WhatsApp was a sea of red notifications.

Texts were popping up one after another.

Logan Wood, Oberon Harper, Faye Churchill...

Just seeing those names gave Vivienne a throwback to her days as a homeroom teacher at Cloudcrest High School.

She rubbed her forehead in exasperation. Those kids were relentless.

The digits on the blackboard from back then, memorized to this day.

Thinking about it, time really did fly; they must be sophomores in college by now.

Setting aside what she was doing, Vivienne began replying to each message.

She let the WhatsApp notifications bounce as she prioritized responding to the heartfelt wishes sent to her and Mr. Wolf by her students.

After addressing her students' messages, Vivienne finally opened WhatsApp.

At the top was Griffin, with a long string of congratulatory emojis, ending with a somewhat sarcastic wish.

"This invitation is making me green with envy," Griffin's message read. "When will my goofball catch on? Will I ever get to wear a wedding dress, sob?!"

"But you bet, I'll be giving you the biggest red envelope. Not just for Leopold, but for our bond forged in fire."

Something came to Vivienne's mind, and she fished out a recorded video from the top of her WhatsApp, forwarding it to Griffin as a generous return gesture.

Griffin instantly replied with a "?"

Vivienne left it at that, letting her discover the joy on her own.

Then came the laments from various juniors about preparing wedding gifts only now receiving the invitation.

Vivienne couldn't help but smirk, skipping over those messages.

Kala Brooks sent a message too, "Congrats! Don't worry, even if I'm shooting abroad, I'll make it to the wedding."

Vivienne shot back, "Just make sure the red envelope makes it."

Kala replied instantly with a voice message, "You're all about the cash, huh? But it's your big day! Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world. Expect the biggest red envelope from me!"

Following Kala, Carl Brooks and Ashley Edwards also received their replies.

The last message Vivienne saw was from Aaron, quite explosive indeed.

"Vivienne, just asking... can I crash the wedding?"

Now she understood why his name was last on the list.

Crashing her wedding with Mr. Wolf sounded like a mission with no return.

A firm "No" was sent in reply, and Vivienne moved on from his message.

When Charlotte Redwood and Griffin both tried to call at the same time, resulting in a call clash.

Charlotte: "??"

Griffin: "What the heck?"

Vivienne knew their game. Answering one would rob her of peace for an hour, thanks to their endless chatter.

Before they could start, she signaled Charlotte she was busy and promised Griffin his wish.

Finally, a brief moment of peace.

All she wanted was a simple wedding, not a celebrity spectacle. Did everyone forget she was just a bride-to-be with things to do?

As messages kept flooding in, Vivienne was tempted to just turn off her phone.

The moment she considered it, another text came through.

This time from Draven.


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