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The Million-Dollar Heart novel Chapter 963

The day after the grand announcement, the Perez family came over to deliver their wedding gifts.

It felt like an unspoken competition; Uncle Luke brought two boxes of exquisite jewelry, Uncle Fredrick doubled down with four, and Uncle Maddox went all out, gifting a full set of gold jewelry that filled six whole boxes.

Opening those boxes was like staring into the sun—blindingly bright and overwhelmingly lavish.

Vivienne felt a weight on her shoulders just looking at them, imagining wearing all that gold was enough to give her a sore neck.

The elder Perez brothers, Luke and Fredrick, couldn't help but smirk at the sight. At least Maddox had set the bar for extravagance, making their gifts seem almost modest in comparison.

But Yuri, the youngest, couldn't resist a jab, “Maddox, really? That's a bit lackluster for Vivienne’s wedding, don't you think? People might start thinking the Perez family is running low on treasures.”

Maddox's face turned as red as a beet, “Yuri, stop poking fun. What did you bring, then? Show us.”

Raising an eyebrow, Yuri warned, “You might want to brace yourself for this.”

With that, he opened his box to reveal a masterfully crafted jade sculpture, a rarity that could easily rival the tea set he gave at Sasha's wedding.

Maddox was gobsmacked, “Where did you even find that? You said you were just going to pick something randomly from the storage!”

Yuri shrugged, “And you believed that?”

Fuming, Maddox accused, “You're playing dirty!”

The others watched, more entertained than concerned, letting the brothers settle it among themselves.

Eventually, Maddox sought consolation from Vivienne.

“Vivienne, do you really think my gifts are that bad?”

Trying to mediate, Vivienne reassured, “Uncle Maddox, out of all the gifts, yours are actually the most practical. I mean, if I ever need money, gold is as good as cash. You did great.”

Maddox beamed, his pride restored, especially when he caught Yuri's reaction.

“Hear that? Vivienne appreciates my gift. You’re just jealous!”

Yuri facepalmed, “Your logic could use some work. Vivienne was being polite. She means you might as well have given cash to save her the trouble of converting it.”

The room erupted in laughter, Maddox merely squinting in annoyance.

Then, from his jacket, Maddox produced a small, exquisitely wrapped gift box, handing it to Vivienne with care, “This is something Willa stitched for you—a blessing for you and your future husband, wishing you a lifelong happiness.”

Vivienne was touched by the delicate embroidery, “Please thank Willa for me. I absolutely love it.”

Seeing Maddox win this round, the other uncles, not to be outdone, presented their own carefully chosen gifts, each a potential heirloom.


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