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The Million-Dollar Heart novel Chapter 976

The next day dawned bright and early, with both Vivienne and Percival rising with the sun. Downstairs in the grand foyer, Richard was instructing the butler to prepare some gifts.

Percival, curious, approached and asked what was going on. Richard, with an air of understanding, explained, "At the wedding, the Brooks family played a crucial role in saving Isolde's life. Your parents are planning to visit them today to check on the boy who got injured. It's only polite to bring something along when visiting someone who's unwell."

Cecilia shared the sentiment.

"The Brooks' boy is just as precious as any child. In all that chaos, he stepped up to save Isolde and even got hurt in the process. Even if his parents don't voice it, they must feel worried. We owe them a debt of gratitude for their son's bravery in protecting Isolde. It's a kindness we'll remember for a lifetime."

Vivienne nodded in agreement, "Let's all go together then."

It just so happened that she and Mr. Wolf had plans in the same direction as the hospital.

After grabbing a quick breakfast with Percival, who also helped carry some of the gifts, they were ready to leave when Isolde, dressed to the nines, bounced down the stairs.

Seeing Percival pause, Isolde, thinking he was admiring her dress, asked cheerfully, "Bro, do you like my dress?"

Percival pinched the bridge of his nose, blocking her path, "The folks are visiting; you should stay home."

Isolde wasn't pleased, running to Cecilia to complain, "Mom, look at Percival, he's always picking on me. Yesterday he wouldn't let me talk to Vivienne, and now he's stopping me from going out. What have I done to him?"

Cecilia shot Percival a stern look, "Why are you stopping Isolde? Thaddeus saved her; she should personally thank him."

Nathan sided with his wife, taking his daughter to head out, not even sparing Percival a glance.

It was deemed essential for Isolde to thank her savior directly.

Percival could only sigh in resignation.

At the hospital, the arrival of Nathan's family immediately livened up the small hospital room. Cecilia's heartfelt thanks made Dorian uneasy, "It was the least we could do; no need to make a big deal out of it. Besides, Thaddeus is a tough kid; a little injury won't set him back."

Cordelia added with a warm smile, "Honestly, Thaddeus and Isolde have met a few times before; they're acquaintances. It's only natural to help out a friend in need."

Cecilia's eyes lit up, "Now that you mention it, those two kids might just be fated. If you ask me..."

Percival coughed lightly, interrupting, "Mom, Vivienne and I have to run; you and Cordelia enjoy your chat. We'll head out first."

After a brief exchange with Vivienne, Cecilia returned to the room, the conversation now veering towards the possibility of strengthening family ties.

On their way, Percival inquired about Cecilia's words to Vivienne.

Vivienne chuckled, "Mom mentioned you've been a bit on edge lately, wondering if it's due to some... discord between us. She suggested I brew you some herbal remedies."

Chapter 976 1

Chapter 976 2


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