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The Million-Dollar Heart novel Chapter 977

The eyes of the four people pinned Leopold down like he was under an X-ray, seeing right through him.

Feeling guilty, he stuttered, "Um, I..."

"Spit it out, and if you misspeak, I'll break your legs!" Douglas roared, sending shivers down Leopold's already trembling spine.

Stammering, Leopold recounted the events of the day before yesterday in a rushed manner.

Concerned Vivienne might not grasp the whole story, he emphasized, "Vivienne, I swear I didn't say anything. But Griffin, she just stopped in her tracks, didn't even let me in the house, and called off the engagement."

Vivienne listened, baffled but knowing Griffin well, she asked directly, "Do you not want to marry her, or do you not love her?"

Caught off guard by Vivienne's sudden question, Leopold was taken aback, despite the seriousness in her tone.

Faced with the interrogation from the four, he felt an odd sense of déjà vu but compelled by Vivienne's authoritative tone, he managed to say, "I...I like her, Vivienne, you know that..."

"Then why hesitate?" Vivienne cut him off.

"Huh?" Leopold was confused. "Hesitate about what?"

Vivienne was speechless.

Percival thought about smacking Leopold himself, wondering if his head was just for show.

That's why they called him Husky, and it was fitting.

"When Griffin asked you to formally propose at the Martinez estate, why did you hesitate?" Vivienne pressed.

Leopold's face flushed, mumbling, "Isn't it too soon?"

Kellan threw a cup in frustration, "Too soon? That girl from the Martinez family has been head over heels for you for nearly twenty years, and you've been clueless, acting like you don't know. If your eyes don't work, might as well throw them away."

Douglas quickly calmed his father, "Dad, don't get worked up over this fool; it's not worth your health."

Leopold wondered, wasn’t he the beloved youngest son of the Sterling family anymore?

Percival stepped in, asking Kellan to rest, assuring him they could handle Leopold and make him understand.

Reassured, Kellan went to fetch his blood pressure medication, fearing he'd drop dead from anger at his foolish grandson.

"Sir, the Martinez family sent a package over," the butler announced, entering with a delivery.

Hearing "the Martinez family," Leopold's face brightened, "See, I told you Griffin wouldn’t really leave me. She was just angry, saying she’d marry someone else was all talk..."

As he took the package from the butler, the Sterling family patriarch’s face stiffened.

Fortunately, the old man had already gone to the backyard; seeing the package might have darkened the day for the Sterling family.

Noticing his father’s grim expression, Leopold swallowed hard and stepped back, "Dad, we can talk this out; violence isn’t the answer."

Douglas slammed the package on the table, picking up a riding crop, "As long as it eases my anger."


Percival glanced at the package then handed it to Vivienne.

Her eyes narrowed upon seeing its contents.

Was Griffin playing for keeps this time? An invitation was inside.

Percival looked down at Leopold, who was taking the punishment, his brows furrowed, "He's not an idiot. With Griffin's move, it's either win big or lose everything."

"Choosing this moment to send it, she's clearly made up her mind," Vivienne said, setting down the invitation, ready to leave.

Leopold panicked, "Vivienne, Percival, where are you going? What about me?"

Vivienne scoffed at him, "Chill out. They've sent an invitation; why stay?"

"What invitation?"

Leopold paused, feeling the sting of the crop but seemed unfazed. He followed Vivienne, dumping the package's contents on the table.

Chapter 977 1

Chapter 977 2


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