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The Omega's fate novel Chapter 3

Lyne knew this wasn't going to be a good idea. Following her sisters to the South Jungle was only going to be the same as before. Full of teases, taunting, and more bullying.

Her father can only do two things to help. Call her a weakling for not being able to stand up for herself or repeat the story about how she is nothing like her late mother.-

Lyne watched all her siblings shift into wolves and run through the jungle, going to hunt. She so much wished she could do the same.

Going inside her room, she grabbed her bonnet and her boots. She was wearing black pants and a yellow long-sleeved top to protect her skin from the biting sun. She went under her bed and brought out a box on which was inscribed on it her mother's name in bold.


Opening it, she grabbed the bow and arrow that was inside it and admired it at first as she ran her fingers through the weapon.

Looking through the corridor, she realized it was empty.

Lyne wasn't certain what she was doing but she hoped it wouldn't lead her into trouble. Passing through the back of the building that stood erect behind a fence built with large rocks, she passed through the shabby grasses that rose in the middle. She passed by scattered flowers that were so pulled together she wondered if there was a path there.

When she couldn't get through, she knew she had no choice but to climb the fence. Wearing her hair up in a ponytail, she climbed the wall and jumped down to the other side. A dangerous attempt, all to prove her worth.

For a moment, she felt free and able to do whatever she wants. She ran through the woods and into the forest as the morning air brushed through her hair. This was it. Freedom. That was what she's always wanted. She felt the moment in her skin, her head, her heart until a spear crossed her front and went deep into a tree.

She gasped and missed her steps, causing her to fall.

"I'd suggest you watch where you're going, next time missus." A deep voice that sounded angelic seeped through her eardrums and for a while, she felt shy and didn't want to look back at the owner of the voice.

"Are you ok?" The voice called again and hearing footsteps, she knew he was coming towards her.

What if he was one of her father's army? What if he was sent to kill the Royal family and he recognizes her? He'll surely kill her.

"I won't hurt you," she heard him say and this time, his voice was firm but assuring.

Slowly, she let her eyes meet his and her heart skipped many beats for she has never seen such a handsome man before.

Intelligent ocean blue eyes gaze back at him with such innocence he was forced to feel pity for her instantly.

Her straight blonde hair worn up gave him a perfect view of her stature. Long beautiful necks that looked soft enough to be rubbed, plus kissable lips.

He tried to comport himself as he remembered he has a woman at home. Clearing his throat, he stretched his hands forward and helped her to her feet.

"Pardon me, ma'am. I just couldn't help but be security conscious." He tried to explain, sounding normal.

"You could have killed me!" The woman's reply shocked him to the bones. A soft-looking woman with such an authoritative attitude. Being a King, he wondered why he finds her amusing.

"Next time, you and your horse can wear medicated glasses before you commit murder!" She dusted her clothes, looking visibly angry, but trying every means to avoid looking into his eyes.

"I'm sorry. I already said that before. I didn't think you'd still be this upset," he looked at her confused but the lady's reply got him in the belt.

"What? I didn't know there is a certain number of times you should apologize for attempted murder. If you have a stinking ego, you should know who to direct it to, not me!" Lyne spat before running back to the way she came from, back to the palace before the others returned.

She glanced backward and saw the man climbing his horse back and riding away.

The trip to South Jungle just keeps getting worse.

Zeidan kept wondering who the lady was and how she got that kind of confidence. He couldn't push her away from his thoughts and soon, he found himself smiling as he remembered her action.


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