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The Playboy’s Downfall novel Chapter 2

Isla moved away and arched her brow. “So?”

Becca shrugs. “Anyway, thanks for driving me—”

“This isn’t free,” it was Apollo.

Becca frowned slightly. “What do you mean?”

“He wants you two… go on a date,” it was Zero.

“Date—what?” Becca exclaimed and glared at Zero, the man is aware of it. “In his dreams,” she added.

Apollo turned to their side. “Why would I date you?” he asked, emotionless.

Becca grimaced. “So, do I. Anyway, let Isla live in that condo, okay? Don’t be such a jerk who doesn’t trust his sister.”

Apollo arched his brow. “Are you dictating to me what I need to do?” Apollo asked.

Isla on the side slightly pinched the bridge of her nose because of the irritating voice of Apollo and Becca, plus Zero who was being rude.

She doesn’t know if the man was just putting on a show but honestly, she dislikes what he did earlier.

“She’s a lady already—not a kid. So, stop being too possessive—”

“The hell you care?” Apollo asked, never leaving Becca’s eyes.

“I care, okay. She’s my best—”

“That’s enough, Becca. Apollo and I already talked about it yesterday… right, Apollo?” Isla asked.

Apollo glanced at Becca first before meeting her eyes and nodded.

Becca bit her lower lip to restrain herself from laughing because of overreacting.

“You should know how to ask first before you threw shits,” Apollo uttered and sat properly.

“Shits?!” Becca was about to reach for Apollo when Isla grabbed her in the arm and pulled her back to her seat.

“Calm down, will you?” she said and looked into Becca’s eyes.

Becca closes her eyes and took a deep breath then sighed. “I told you Zero, it’s not a good thing if we’re with that psycho,” Becca uttered.

Zero let out a soft chuckle. “Don’t worry. It’s just his way of seeing he will be missing you—fuck, dude! I’m driving,” Zero blurted when Apollo suddenly slam his chest. The car wiggled but Zero’s reflexes are great.

“Are you trying to kill us?!” It was Becca this time and successfully reached Apollo's shirt and pulled it in anger.

Zero stepped on the gas as he pulled over. He slammed the steering wheel and pierced his eyes on Apollo and Becca. “When will you stop?” he asked, anger lingering in his voice.

Apollo smirked and raised his hand. “I’ll stop,” he replied and pulled his shirt from Becca’s grip, and threw one last glare at her.

Becca did the same, Isla massages her temple because of annoyance. She tapped Becca’s shoulders and shook her head. “Enough, okay?” she said, gently.


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