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The Playboy’s Downfall novel Chapter 2

IT WAS the end of the school year. Isla is now eight months pregnant. She was grateful that she had already passed all her exams and was ready for the second year. The university gave students a three-month break before the new school year will start again.

She was grateful too that Zero was always there supporting her. The man is so sincere in his love for her. Zero respects all her decisions. Although sometimes, he’s still annoying. Like he wants them to make love, it’s possible, according to the doctor. And sex during pregnancy is also helpful for her. According to her OB, it will help her during the delivery.

Even though Zero told her that he loves her, she can’t help but overthink and have her what-ifs. With this, she then let Zero touch her. However, Zero knew his limits. He touched her gently.

“Where’s Zero, Princess?” Apollo asked the moment he saw Isla sitting in the living room.

“He went out early. He has a meeting. Why?” She arched her brow as she met her brother’s gaze.

Apollo was fixing his tie as he sat on the one-seater sofa. “How are you?”

She frowned slightly. “I’m doing good, and you always see that,” she replied. She rolled her eyes and continued to read the book that she was holding.

Suddenly, she heard Apollo's soft chuckle.

“Anyway…” still her eyes were on the page of the book, “—Becca will have her vacation here. And…” she glanced at her wristwatch, “—will be here this afternoon,” she added and looked at Apollo.

She bit her lower lip when she saw her brother’s reaction. “And she told me, she’ll be staying here. Is it fine?”

Apollo sneered. “They have a house. And you knew what my answer was. It’s a big NO!” he exclaimed.

She let out a playful smile. “Uhm… are you really sure that you don’t want her to stay—”

“Don’t start with it, Princess,” Apollo said and stood up. “Tell your best friend that she’s not welcomed—”

“She’s my visitor, and mom agreed with it,” she interrupted.

Apollo arched his brow. “At least, don’t let her stay here. She can visit you but not that she’s going to stay here,” he said.

Isla smiled. “Why? Are you afraid that you will fall in love deeply?” she teased, making Apollo frown.

“It’s not that. And who told you that I’m in love with that witch—”

“She’s beautiful. And have a sexy body. You know, perfect for loving-loving,” she mocked. Isla loves the facial expression of her brother.

“If you still insist on it, then I will be the one who gets out of this house.”

Isla put down the book that she was reading and crossed her legs. “Look, Apollo, you don’t have to be in denial. I could see it that you like her—scratched it… that you love her. And let me tell you a secret…” she smiled widely and winked at her brother, “—she’s also like you,” she added.


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