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The Rejected Luna novel Chapter 18





Jane's Point of View

"Oh my goddess, it's you, Amira." "You scared the shit out of me." "What are you doing here?

"I'm here to surprise you, darling," she muttered. I have been waiting for you. "Where have you been? I missed you.

"I have been training with Vishal," I replied.

"Oh yes, you have been training so hard. I think we should have a girls' time. What do you think? She inquires.

"Amira, you know, I've got no time to have fun. I've got a lot to do. I should never slack in my training. You know the one I'm facing in the fight? I respond. I'm sorry.

"It's okay, take your time, "she whispered. Let's go in.

I feel guilty for turning her down. It's not her fault and her suggestion isn't bad, but I've got no time to be happy or have any fun. I'm only living for my revenge. Amira and I walked in, and she started to discuss the guy she met. 

"Is he your mate? I asked the blushing Amira. I can see she's in love already.

"I don't think he's. I feel no mate bond or the pull between us. "He's a really nice guy," she said. I hope he's my fated mate.

"I hope so, darling. I'll support you. I utter.

She finally left after hours of talking about the guy. I hope he won't hurt her.

It's time to have my bath. I strip and walk into the bathroom, but something amazing happens. Something I never expected or hoped to experience again in my life has occurred once more.

"I'm sorry for making you feel worried," the voice says.  I remember who that voice belongs to. It belongs to my wolf, Amber.

"Oh my god. Is that you, Amber? I scream. "Are you real? Tell me, this is not a delusion, right!

"It's me, Jane. "I'm back," she whispers softly.

"Amber!" I scream. Amber is back. My wolf is back.

I was jumping and screaming. Happiness filled my heart. My once dead soul was lifted with joy once more. I can't believe this. I can't believe my wolf is back and stronger.

"What happened to you, Amber? I ask. "Why did you stay silent all this time? I miss you a lot.

"I'm sorry! I can feel all your pain and sadness. "I can hear you calling my name, but I'm too weak to respond to your call," she denoted.

"Thank you for fighting to stay alive." "Thank you for saving me," I cried. I'm only alive because you saved me.

"Cry no longer, darling," she said, "he saved my life."

"Who! Who is the person that saved your life? I'm confused by what she told me

"Parker. He saved my life. I don't know how he knew I was in danger, but he rescued me in time, "she said.

I'm more confused. Who is Parker? I have no idea who he was.

I told her, "I have no idea who Parker is." Who is he?

"He's the Alpha king wolf. Our ex-mate


I was shocked by what Amber told me. His human form was trying to get us killed, while his demon wolf form saved us. What the hell is happening?



The first people I met the next day were Amira and Ella. 

"Open up, Jane," they said, as they kept knocking on my door.

It is early in the morning. I was still sleeping in my bed. I struggle out of bed to open the door for them.

"Is something wrong? I ask. It's too early in the morning.

"Are you still sleeping?" "I thought you were already up and ready to go train, "Ella said.

"Yes, we thought of joining you in training today instead of watching you train, "Amira articulated.

"Train with me? I was surprised. "Why are you not training with the rest of the pack members?

"We ditch them, honey." "No more training with them," they whisper.

"I need to rest. I don't want to disturb Amber '' i announced.

"Amber? Is that not your wolf name? Amira asked. "Wait, is she back? Tell me fast. "Have you got your wolf back?

I smile happily. My face lifted at the thought of having my wolf back.

"Oh yes. I got Amber back. She's back.

"Oh my goddess," they screamed. This is good news. Congratulations, darling. We are so happy for you.

I'm no longer unhappy again; but my thirst for revenge never dries. I must have him pay for what he did even if his wolf saves us. He will regret hurting us. I sincerely joke and laugh with the girls.

"Oh my god. Our Jane is back. They screamed. I laugh at their silly words.


I never stop training. I work so hard and push myself to train harder.

"Go girl, we can do this," Amber speaks.


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