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The Rejected Luna novel Chapter 9

Chapter 10.

The Girl without a wolf:

The Rejected Luna.


Jane Biller's point of view.

The information Vishal just told me breaks me into pieces. Even if I have never accepted his rejection, claiming and marking another female wolf without me accepting his rejection can lead to my death. He wants to kill me. I break down how I wish I had a wolf. I could have accepted his rejection without any delay. That fucking heartless bastard, he's doing this on purpose. "How can he do this to me?" What exactly is my offense?" Is it because I'm weak, or I'm not beautiful enough?" The last time I saw him at the club, he was clearly interested in me, even if he does not know I'm the one in the first place.

"Jane", Vishal calls me, I don't want you to keep thinking about a man that does not value you. He's not a good mate and you know that".

"Okay, thank you, Vishal", I manage to smile, I won't let him get to me. I pray not to die if he gets to mark and mate with her. If I don't die as he wishes, I'm going to make his life a living hell. I will show him who the real demon is. That bastard.


Alpha's Richard point of view.

"Hi, baby", Amelia walked inside my office without knocking.

"You should knock before coming inside my office, what if I am having an important meeting with the elders," I say.

"Aww, baby, I don't think anyone will be more important than I'm, you know I'm your Queen and Luna", she said, blushing and forcing herself on me.

"Whattt? Is that what you are thinking, that you're more important than my members and my elders?" Amelia look here, giving you my Luna position, does not mean you are worthy of it, being my Luna does not mean you have the right I have among my pack members. You're just the mate that I single-handed choose by myself, you are a nobody, you're not my true mate, imprint this to your dumb skull, I don't want to keep repeating myself. Am I clear?" Do you understand me?" I yell.

(Who does she think she is?" She's just a bitch. She's not yet my Luna, and she is already acting like one. We both know we are not a fated mate, I just want to make use of her because she is a strong warrior, she is also making use of me as well, she can never be my real Queen, and Luna, she's just a fake one. A fake!!!!)

"Yes, Richard, I understand you and I promise to be a good girl", she said.

"One thing I like about her is that she's a clever girl, she listens to whatever I tell her, she never passes her boundaries too much and she never pries her nose into my business, she is just a perfect puppet Luna that I want. Even if every wolf labels me as a notorious beast, I chose to stay loyal to my mate without having any sexual activities with another female, but I got disappointed when I got to see her, she has nothing I want in a mate, it's the best if I reject her, but that damn girl she's yet to accept my rejection. The last time I saw her at the club, she got me aroused just by looking at her, what if I got to have sex with her?" I don't know what will really happen to me. I must say, she is a beauty, she's very beautiful, she's perfect with her beautiful green eyes. She's my type, but unfortunately, she has no wolf, she's nothing. "How can I accept her as my mate?" How is that possible between us? I will be made a laughing stock if I accept her as a mate, a strong Alpha like me fated with a wolf-less weak clumsy she-female. Just thinking about her makes my blood boil. If not for my wolf refusing to let me kill her, I could have assassinated her on the spot. I have a lot on my plate, and adding her problem with mine is a no go area for me.

"Alpha, what are you thinking about?" Amelia asked me.

(Oh, that bitch, she's still here".)

"Nothing, I'm just thinking about my pack stuff, and what are you doing here, Amelia?" I asked her.

"Nothing, Alpha, I'm here to keep your company, I don't want you to feel lonely", she mumbled, trying to force a kiss on me.

"Nothing, Amelia?" You just come into my office without any reason!" I understand what you're trying to do, but I can't give you what you want, I can't accept your offer".

"But Alpha, why are you always rejecting me?" Am I not good enough?" You have never slept with me. Did I offend you, Alpha?" Why did you hate me?" She hollers.

"Enough, which one should I answer?" Where should I start from?" I yell in frustration. What a Bitch.

"Alpha, I have been in this pack for two weeks now, we sleep together on the same bed, but you never touch me, everyone in the pack thinks we already mated which is not true, this is unfair to me, I have been begging you to touch me, but you refuse me. You were always kind to me in front of your pack members, you kissed and hugged me, immediately you did that, you always excuse yourself just to puke inside the toilet, and you scrub yourself just because you hug me. Alpha, behind your members you were always cold and treated me like trash. Alpha, I'm a woman with a need, you can't just expect me to be your emblem Luna without you touching me, who does that?" Why did you choose me when you know you won't touch or sleep with me?" She cried out.

(She's asking too much) Damn her.

"Did you just scream at me, Amelia?" You sure got a big liver, I think you are fed up with living, do you want to die?" I want to make you a Luna, yet you are still complaining that I didn't touch you, can't you sleep without a man fucking your hole?" Is that Luna position not enough for you?" You are starting to be greedy. Honey, don't force me to do what I enjoy doing the most to you, because you won't get to live to tell the tales, don't make me punish and kill you". Mind your speech in front of me, bitch," I howl, releasing my Alpha aura.

"I'm sorry, I am so sorry, Alpha, I lost my control, forgive me please, please forgive me, my king", she pleaded.

(I'm in no mood to talk, I'm still very angry and burning. She thinks so highly of herself. She sure has a gut to complain in front of me",)


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