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The Rejected Werewolf Princess novel Chapter 1

I always thought that turning eighteen would be this monumental point in my life. I thought I would wake up and finally get my wolf like everyone else.

But when I woke up this morning, it all felt the same.As a stripper, they already have enough to despise me for, but as a runt, I am the bane of their existence, the worst thing that could ever happen to a werewolf.

It was already late, so I rushed over to the club that I usually work. It is situated at the other side of town. It is strictly a werewolf bar, but the occasional human stumbles across it once in a while.

It screams money and sophistication and most of the people who come here are higher ranking wolves who are tired of work and want to unwind by watching a woman dance all over them.

I was lucky to even get a job here; they wouldn’t hire omegas like me but the owner- Rick took a firm liking to me. He said I had the body of a stripper; slim waist, perky boobs and a round ass. He hired me on the spot, on the only condition that ninety percent of my profits go back to him.

“Someone has personally requested you for a private dance,” he said as he sat next to me, “It’s a party with some kids and they want you to dance.”

“Do I know them?” I asked but he waved off my question.

“That’s not important,” he assured me with a hand on my shoulder, “If you do this; you will be walking home tonight with two hundred dollars from that private dance alone; and I’ll even let you take home twenty percent of your profits today.”

I bit my lips as I thought about it. This is the best offer I can get right now. With that amount, I can finally get new shoes because my old ones are ripping apart seam by seam.

“I’ll do it.” I agreed and his smile widened.

“They’re in room ten,” I started to rise but he grabbed my arm, “These are powerful people Camilla; you will do whatever it takes to make sure that they are happy.” I nodded and he let go of me.

I took steady breaths to calm myself and made my way into the room. My excitement dulled the feeling of anxiety bubbling in me. I thought nothing could possibly make me rethink my decision until I opened the door and saw the people in there- Lisa, Peter and Chris.

They are the best friends or should is ay, squad of the future Alpha, Tyson Woods. They are also my biggest bullies in the pack. Speaking of Tyson, I can’t see him here. I had half a mind to run out of the room but they had already seen me.

“Do you think Tyson will love his present?” Peter asked with a sadistic grin on his face.

“I think he’ll like it better if she was naked.” Chris threw out, “Go on runt, strip.”

I forced back the bile in my throat and did as he asked. I tried to remind myself that this was a good deal and I couldn’t ruin it or Rick would fire me. By the time I was naked; all guys were staring at me with list in their eyes.

“For a runt you sure do have a great body,” Chris mused

“You’re not allowed to fuck them, Chris,” Lisa said with an eye roll, “Go dance on the pole or something.”

I mechanically moved my legs over to the pole. I had just climbed the platform when the door opened and a scent I had never smelled before filled my nose. It was something I couldn’t explain but it had an undertone of familiarity to it.

It hit me like a freight train just as I heard someone say, “Mate.”

There was a collection of gasps, followed by a loud squeal as Lisa rushed to her feet and ran towards the door.

Chapter 1 1


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