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The Rejected Werewolf Princess novel Chapter 3

I didn’t move from my spot on the floor until the early hours of the morning. I lay on the floor and stained the cement floor with my tears.

I didn’t know when I slept off, I just opened my eyes when sunlight shone directly into them and I realized that it was already morning.

I forced myself to my feet and my knees wobbled as I forced myself to take steps. I was sore and in pain all over. I wanted nothing more than to lock myself in my room for the next week but I don’t have the luxury of that.

I need to work because I need the money. And even if I could get those days off, I need an excuse, I can’t tell them that- I can’t tell them what happened.

I went to the bathroom first to get a bucket and rag to clean up the floor and the wall that was stained with traces of my blood. My hands shook as I cleaned it up because all I could picture and feel was Tyson pounding into me over and over again despite my pleas.

When I was done, I went round to do my chores.

I was mopping the dining room when I saw Lisa walk in with some of her girl friends. She saw me and a sadistic smile grew on her face.

She stepped over the places I had just cleaned with her muddy shoes and laughed as I picked up the mop to clean it again. As I walked past her, her spine stiffened and she pushed me hard. I fell to the floor with the bucket and water spilled all over the floor.

“You fucking whore,” she spat, “You just couldn’t take his rejection; you had to find him and fuck him.”

“I didn’t,-,” I began but she picked up a vase and threw it in my direction. Thankfully it shattered next to me and not on my face.

“I can smell him on you, you bitch.” She screamed, “How dare you?”

I wanted to explain and I wanted to tell her that I didn’t want it and that he forced me but I didn’t bother trying to defend myself to her. Lisa will hear and believe what she wants to hear regardless of what I say. I only wish she wasn’t doing it in front of her friends who are snickering to themselves.

I knew that they were going to spread the rumors around and it was only going to make things worse for me. My silence seemed to anger Lisa, because she pulled me up by my hair and slapped me across the cheek. I staggered back from the impact of her hit and tripped over the bucket again and fell hard on my ass.

“She isn’t worth it, Lisa,” one of them said, “You’re going to meet Tyson remember.”

“I have to put this whore in her place,” Lisa said, “And I have to let her know that she doesn’t go fucking other people’s men.”

“You’re going to be Luna, not her, never her.” The girl argued, “The knowledge that her own mate doesn’t want her is enough.”

Lisa finally relented, but not before shooting me one last look, “Watch your back.”

Because of Lisa’s stint, I had to spend another half hour cleaning and got to work an hour late. The girls were whispering amongst themselves when I got there but I ignored them and made my way to the manager’s office.

As I walked in, she gave me a once over, “I don’t know why you’re here. You didn’t deem work so important yesterday.”

“I’m sorry, I was-,”

“Save your lies,” she cut me off, “Just because you were mated to Tyson doesn’t give you any new privileges. If I heard correctly, he rejected you.”

I inhaled deeply; I didn’t expect news to travel this fast.

“I’m sorry,” I begged, “It won’t happen again; I swear it.”

“I can’t trust you on that.”

Chapter 3 1


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