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The Seventh Miserable Bride novel Chapter 122

"Me? I've been well."

Thinking of Abigail Tanner, a trace of sadness flashed through Yasmine Taylor's eyes.

Abigail was like a thorn in her heart. She would feel awful just at the thought of her.

"Really? I heard that you haven't been doing very well though."

"Who told you that? Was it Lily?"

Besides her, Yasmine really couldn't think of anyone else who would tell Scott.


"Don't listen to her. She's just talking nonsense."

"I can see it with my own eyes too." Scott closed the menu and said, "I have been observing you for three years. I can tell if you're happy or sad just by looking at your eyes."

"We are here for dinner. Can we not talk about our private matters?"

Yasmine didn't want to talk about her current situation to a man who liked her.

"There are some things that you can't avoid. I'm not saying this because I'm jealous of Sebastian, but he really doesn't match with you. Before he was with you, he'd loved a woman so deeply, so even if he is with you now, how can you guarantee that he has completely forgotten about her and won't even think about her at all?"

At that instant, Yasmine's face turned pale. "How do you know about this?"

"If you really like someone, it's a given that you will know everything about her. I don't talk about it but it doesn't mean that I don't know. If I say it, it doesn't mean that I'm trying to take advantage of the opportunity either. I just want to let you know that I really like you and that I am more suitable for you than him because there's no other woman in my heart other than you."

"Please stop."

Yasmine interrupted him coldly, "Love is not about being suitable or not, but it's about feelings. My heart never flutters when I'm with you so no matter how suitable you are for me, the two of us will not work."

"Ah, I'm so used to it. I've already gotten used to your ruthless refusal."

Scott pointed to the dishes on the table and said, "Okay, let's eat."

Yasmine sighed lightly, picked up the spoon and drank the soup in front of her. The two of them didn't say a word throughout the whole dinner. After they were done, Scott stood up and said, "Let's go. I'll send you back home."

Both of them walked out of the restaurant one after the another. Suddenly, Yasmine felt unwell, so she halted her steps and squatted on the ground.

Scott felt strange when he couldn't hear any footsteps behind him and immediately turned his head. To his surprise, he saw that Yasmine wasn't feeling very well so he hurriedly rushed over and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I think I'm having an allergy."

Yasmine gasped as she pressed her hand against her chest.

"Allergy? What kind of allergy?"

"I'm allergic to mustard. I think there might have been mustard in the dishes that we just ate."

Scott immediately called the manager of the restaurant over and asked angrily, "Is there any mustard in your dishes?"

The chef had confirmed that there was indeed mustard in the soup that they just had. Yasmine stared at the manager and said, "The last time I had a meal here, wasn't the customer the one who would add the mustard into the soup according to their personal preferences? Why is it different this time?"

"Yes, that was how it usually works. It's possible that the kitchen staff was being negligent so they made a mistake. I'm really sorry for what happened. We will be responsible for the medical expenses."

Yasmine's entire body was burning in pain, and she didn't bother to argue with them anymore. She then said to Scott, "Send me to the hospital."

Scott helped her up and slowly walked out of the restaurant. Yasmine was dizzy so she was leaning against him. As soon as they stepped out of the restaurant, they immediately bumped into Sebastian Simons.

Yasmine stared at him in shock and didn't know how to explain herself at that instant. Scott was quite surprised to see Sebastian too. The three of them stood face to face for a while before Scott finally broke the silence by saying, "She is having an allergy. She has to go to the hospital right now."

The look on Sebastian's face was cold and he didn't ask Yasmine why she was with Scott. Instead, he said calmly, "I'll take her to the hospital."

He took Yasmine over from Scott and carried her into the car. He then started the engine and drove off.

"Why are you here?"

Yasmine asked with a weak voice as she was trying hard to keep her eyes open.

"Someone had called to ask me to come over to pick you up because you were not feeling well."

Sebastian looked straight ahead as he drove and answered with a stoic face.

After replying to Yasmine, he noticed that there wasn't any response from her. He immediately glanced over at her, only to find that she had already fainted.

Scott, who was standing in front of the restaurant, had a dignified look on his face. He seemed to be thinking about something. Suddenly, he turned back and went back into the restaurant to look for the manager. He then asked in a low voice, "Did they really accidentally put the mustard in or did someone order them to do so?"

When the manager heard his question, the look in his eyes immediately became very strange. He said, "I explained it to you just now, sir. It was honestly a careless mistake. Many people are allergic to this seasoning, so we are normally be very cautious about it."

"You won't admit to it, will you? Well, I guess I'll need to let the FDA interfere in this matter then. I have reason to suspect that you are deliberately causing harm to other people's health."

Scott was about to make a phone call, but the manager quickly stopped him. He looked around and said in a low voice, "We can talk outside."

After coming out from the restaurant, Scott went to his mother's apartment in Peaceful Bay Resort. He rang the doorbell and his mother opened the door. "Eek, you guys are done with dinner?"

Scott did not answer immediately. Instead, he stared at his mother quietly for a short while before asking, "You did it on purpose, didn't you?"

"What do you mean?"

"To make Sebastian misunderstand that there is something going on between me and Yasmine."


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