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The Seventh Miserable Bride novel Chapter 155

"I didn't do anything wrong. Everything I have done is for his happiness!"

Claudine Tucker shouted uncontrollably.

Kurtson Jules sneered and said, "You should know best whether you're doing it for your son's happiness or for your own resentment. You said that it's for your son's happiness, but what happened now? You're the one who forced him down a road of unhappiness."


Claudine's face turned pale. "We haven't seen each other for more than ten years. Must you quarrel with me as soon as we meet?"

"I wasn't arguing with you. I was simply telling the truth. Claudine, you should not have come back here. The moment you left, you lost the right to interfere in Scott's happiness."

Kurtson got up and left resolutely. Claudine's hand, which was holding the coffee cup, couldn't stop trembling. However, not a single tear was shed.

A kind person would not become cruel and cold-hearted within a day. A woman who would shed tears easily would not be so ruthless to abandon her husband and son.

Although she did not reach an agreement with Kurtson, Claudine did not give up. When she knew that Kurtson was not at home, she went to the apartment where she left 20 years ago.

She took a bunch of keys from her bag. She did not have much hope at first. However, she didn't expect the rusty key would open the apartment door so easily.

She was stunned for a moment. She was surprised that Kurtson did not even change the door lock after so many years. She could still easily enter the house with that old key.

The decorations in the house was almost the same as it was twenty years ago. She went up to the first floor and entered the bedroom that was once theirs. She could easily locate the place where the birth certificates were kept in the room.

The furniture were still the same, and even the location where things were kept were not changed. Claudine held Scott's birth certificate in her hand and thought for a moment. Then, she got up and left in a hurry.

They would not be able to marry without the birth certificate.

The wedding was imminent, so this was the only way she could think of to stop her son from marrying Lily Adams.

Claudine thought that she had succeeded in her plan. However, she didn't know that Scott Jules was already way ahead of her.

When Scott led Lily to Claudine's apartment and placed their marriage certificates in front of her, her eyes darkened and she fainted.

After a long time, she woke up and found herself laying on the bed in her bedroom. Her son was sitting beside her bed. She suddenly shouted hysterically, "Scott!"

Scott stood up and asked knowingly, "What's wrong?"

"You... you... got a marriage certificate with that annoying woman without my permission. Are you trying to drive me to an early grave?"

Scott shook his head and said innocently, "I didn't expect you to care so much about me. Since you do, then why did you abandon me in the first place? I've always wanted to ask you that."

Claudine burst into tears. "Scott, I was depressed at that time. I couldn't stay in this city. If I did, I would've died from all the pressure I was facing."

"Oh, you left me alone because you were in a bad mood, and came back to interfere with my life because you're now in a good mood? What do you think I am? A toy? You have to face the truth. I'm all grown up now. I've grown past the age when you could interfere with my life whenever you want."

After saying that, Scott left his mother's bedroom and said to Lily, who was standing outside the door, "Let's go."

"Is she alright?"

"It's okay. She's already shouting at me. What else could she do?"

Claudine chased after him and said angrily, "The marriage certificate must be fake. Your birth certificate is with me. How did you get your marriage certificate?"

Scott smiled angrily and patted his mother's shoulder. "Mom, I told you that I am your son and I know how you do things better than anyone else. Did you think that I will be stupid enough to let you take my birth certificate away before I got married? I had registered my marriage a long time ago. But when I heard from Dad this morning that you had taken my birth certificate away, I decided to come here and show you my marriage certificate."

Claudine rubbed her forehead. She felt dizzy and almost passed out again. Lily stretched out her hand to hold her, but Claudine pushed her away in disgust. "Get out!"

"Alright, we'd better leave now. I wouldn't want you to pass out again because of us."

Scott took Lily's hand and left his mother's apartment. When he closed the door, he could still hear his mother's angry roar. Lily was scared, but Scott was unperturbed.

The two of them walked side by side to their parked car. Lily's hands were in her pockets, her head lowered down the entire time. Scott glanced at her casually and asked playfully, "Have you found your money yet?"

Lily immediately came back to her senses and asked in surprise, "What money?"

"You've been looking on the ground the whole time. I thought there's lots of money on the ground."

She turned her head awkwardly and smiled grumpily. "I was just thinking about something."

"What is it?"

She stopped, hesitated for a moment, and asked with uncertainty, "Did you choose me as your wife because your mother hates me?"

"What do you mean?"


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