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The Seventh Miserable Bride novel Chapter 164

"What are you thinking about? Principal Jules is married now, and he is a responsible man. He won't have any improper thoughts about me anymore."

"But why are you taking him with us?" Sebastian Simons asked grumpily.

"Well, Willow will be less suspicious if there are more people," she answered.

Sebastian rolled his eyes speechlessly.

After discussing the plan thoroughly, one of them was responsible for inviting Lily Adams and her husband, while the other will invite Fynn Jaymond and Willow York.

Yasmine Taylor ran to the bathroom to call Lily, and the call was quickly connected. "Hello, Yasmine? What's the matter?"

"Lily, are you free this weekend?" Yasmine asked.

"I'm free every weekend. What's up?"

"Let's go for a trip together, you can bring Scott along," she said.

"A trip? Where are we going to?"

"Sebastian booked a luxury couple cruise. It'll be you and Scott, Sebastian and I, Fynn and Willow. Let's travel to Bangkok together," Yasmine replied.

Lily seemed to be a little embarrassed. "Well, I don't think Scott would want to go." "You should try your level best to bring him along! You two haven't had a honeymoon after getting married right? You can treat this trip as your honeymoon."

"It should be just the two of us if it's our honeymoon. It wouldn't be one if there are so many people are going for the trip too. Besides, if you were there, Scott probably won't even look at me," Lily complained.

Yasmine rubbed her forehead, "What are you talking about? You should be more confident in yourself. I promise that I won't show up where Scott is around, okay?"

Lily hesitated for a moment, "Let me have a try, but don't put too much hope on it."

After hanging up the phone, Lily walked into Scott's office and asked carefully, "Are you free this weekend?"

Scott was startled. "What's the matter?"

"We haven't had a honeymoon since we got married..." Lily said carefully.

Scott looked even more startled. "Are you saying that you want to go on a honeymoon?"


She thought he would refuse immediately, but she didn't expect that he would agree to it after some time, "Okay, where do you want to go?"

Lily was pleasantly surprised. She then said with joy, "Bangkok, we'll go with Yasmine and her husband's friends."

As soon as he heard Yasmine's name, Scott's expression became unnatural. "Why are we going with them?"

"Yasmine is inviting us for the trip. I am close with her so it's hard to refuse..." She immediately changed her words after seeing Scott's expression. "It's alright if you don't want to go. I'll just reject it."

"Let's go."

Scott nodded calmly. Although he still loved Yasmine, he knew his responsibilities clearly after his wedding night.

Now that the most difficult part had been solved, it would not be hard to invite Fynn. He would consider the invitation as a great opportunity. Not only would he get to follow his boss on a holiday trip, he could also bring his girlfriend along.

On Saturday morning, they reached the beach one after another. Looking at the sea of red roses on the luxurious cruise ship, Fynn exclaimed, "President Sebastian, isn't this is a little too romantic?"

"Is it not good to be romantic? This is supposed to be a romantic trip. Of course, it has to be as romantic as possible." Sebastian said.

The three men pulled the three women onto the ship. Yasmine glanced at Willow from time to time. Seeing her love for roses and passion for red wine, she was more convinced that she was a materialistic woman.

The cruise ship soon sailed to the centre of the sea. Willow stretched out her arms and shouted with excitement. She turned around and said, "President Sebastian, you've been generous to invite Fynn and me on a trip like this." Sebastian smiled graciously, "You're welcome. Fynn is like my own brother. I wouldn't even mind buying a cruise ship for him, let alone inviting you two on a relaxing trip like this. It's not a big deal at all."

Scott rolled his eyes and got up to the stern. He was not interested to hear someone showing off his wealth.

Yasmine noticed that Willow's admiration for Sebastian was growing rapidly.

During dinner, Sebastian deliberately glanced at Willow's direction under Yasmine's order. After a while, Willow soon began to flirt with him.

When they were about to sleep, there was a fierce quarrel coming from Sebastian's room. The friends from the other rooms rushed out to find out what had happened. They knocked on the door, "President Sebastian, what happened?"

Yasmine opened the door and said angrily, "Fynn, you should sleep in my room tonight. I can't stay in the same room with him!"

Lily was startled and asked in surprise, "What's wrong? You two were still fine before dinner, weren't you?"

"He's too arrogant. I just can't tolerate him!"

Yasmine walked into Fynn's room and slammed the door. Willow's expression darkened.

"It seems like you have to sleep with her tonight."

Fynn shrugged helplessly at Willow.

"It's alright. See you tomorrow, good night."

Willow smiled at him gently and went back into the room.

The next morning, Yasmine and Sebastian continued fighting and ignored each other. Sebastian brought some food to the deck to eat while Yasmine followed him angrily. The others were afraid that they would quarrel again, so they hurried over. As soon as they arrived at the deck, they saw Yasmine splashing a glass of red wine on Sebastian's face.

"Oh, my God..."

Willow covered her mouth in surprise. She could not believe that Yasmine, who looked so gentle and charming on the surface, was actually an unreasonable woman.

Fynn and the others were also shocked. Yasmine smashed the glass and ran away, sobbing. Sebastian ordered coldly, "Go and have a look at her."

Scott was the first to chase after her. Lily and Fynn also went after her, but Willow stood still.


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