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The Seventh Miserable Bride novel Chapter 199

Yasmine Taylor embraced Sebastian Simons for a long time without uttering a word. When the rain stopped and the glasses were empty, only then Sebastian dragged his numbed body and left the cemetery.

Like his shadow, Yasmine followed Sebastian closely behind. However, Sebastian never once looked back at her.

After getting into his car, Sebastian was still silent. He just wanted to grieve alone without being disturbed. Yasmine picked up on it and stayed silent throughout the entire journey.

When they arrived at the city, Sebastian finally spoke, albeit in an indifferent tone, "Where are you going?"

Yasmine looked at him and asked, "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay. Where should I drop you?"

His voice was numbed and cold, just like his current state. Yasmine bit her lip and said, "Just drop me here then."

Sebastian immediately brought the car to a halt, waited for Yasmine to exit the car and left without any hesitation.

Watching Sebastian's car disappearing into the distance, Yasmine felt a wave of melancholy. She thought that perhaps her intention was misguided. Even under such trying times, Sebastian never really needed her...

As she strolled around the streets in a daze, her cell phone buzzed in her pocket. It was Lily Adams—

"Hey, are you still in B City?"

"Yes, I am. What's the matter?"

"Let's meet. I'll wait for you in the cafe we met last time."


Yasmine hung up the phone, hailed a taxi, and went for their appointment.

Lily asked Yasmine concerningly the moment they met, "Sebastian is still cold towards you, isn't he?"


Yasmine nodded sadly.

"Well, as a bystander, I thought I'd have a clearer perspective of what's going on. I thought about it carefully, and I wonder if Sebastian is treating you in this manner because he had something to hide?"

Yasmine was surprised, "Something to hide? What do you mean?"

"What I meant was, is he treating you harshly due to reasons he cannot share? Think about it, he once loved you so much. How could it be that in just two years, Sebastian had totally transformed into a different person? Sure, sometimes people change, but it's still difficult to forget the bonds you once shared with your loved ones."

"Maybe he was mad that I left him despite his persuasion. At that time, he did tell me to not return once I made the decision to leave." "Maybe this could be true if this happened to any other men. However, I absolutely don't believe that Sebastian would behave this way. Sebastian is someone who values his relationships a lot. Even after Abigail betrayed him, Sebastian still could not forget about her, what more about you? If he did hate you, he wouldn't have looked for you after you left."

Yasmine was immersed in her deep thoughts. Lily's words obviously hit a chord. Indeed, Yasmine had always been perplexed over how Sebastian had drastically changed in their recent reunion. It was clear that he still cared for her deeply.

"What do you think? Do you want to figure out the reason? Even though you both may not reunite with each other in the end, at least you can know the reason why you can not reunite, right?"


Yasmine nodded heavily.

That night, she dialed Gabriel's number.

"Hey, Madeline, what's wrong? I couldn't reach you for the entire day."

Gabriel Smith was grumbling from the other side.

"I'm at B City. Gabriel, after much consideration, I came to the conclusion that I should be the one in charge of our company's collaboration with Yaslor Corporation."

"Wow, you're basically the chairman now, moving the works all around and not needing to even brief me about it."

Gabriel said grumpily. "It's not that. You were not at the company this morning when something went wrong here. That was why I rushed over here to fix it."

"Isn't Lucy there to take care of things?"

"I've always been the one overseeing the development of our new product, Lucy is still unfamiliar with many aspects of the project. I'll send her back tomorrow."

"Is she still unfamiliar with the project after a month? Are you saying I'm horrible in evaluating the right fit for this project?"

"Of course not. Truthfully, I just want to personally see this project to its end. You know me, I have a strong sense of responsibility. Once I'm given a certain task, I need to make sure it's done to its best."

Gabriel sighed, "Then, will I not be able to see you for a long time?"

"If you're free, you can come to B City. Otherwise, I can return to F City during my free time too."

"What about the marriage proposal? You said that you would think about it. Have you came to a decision?"

"We'll talk about it after the new product is launched in the market."

"Well, you're even more dedicated than the president of this company..."

Yasmine went to Yaslor Corporation the next day and went straight into the president's office. Sebastian was shocked but he immediately returned to his indifferent self, "Why are you here again?"

"I'm here to work. I'll continue to be in charge of the project and its development. I don't suppose you have anything against that, right?"

"That's a decision made by your company, I have no rights to interfere."

"Great, then I hope we can cooperate pleasantly in the future."


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