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The Seventh Miserable Bride novel Chapter 223

Ethan Zordon sighed, "Maybe others can return to their original self, but she absolutely can't."

After Yasmine and Ethan parted that day, she got home, took a bath, and went to sleep. When Sebastian Simons came back at night, she did not pay attention to him.

A week later, when Sebastian Simons was about to take action on Claudine Tucker, he realized that the account book that he put at the bottom drawer of the desk had gone missing...

He rushed to the bedroom and pushed the door open with a bang. He questioned angrily, "Did you take my account book?"

Yasmine Taylor glared at him grumpily and answered coldly, "No."

"Are you lying?"

"Why should I lie? I already said that I didn't do it! I don't care if you believe me or not!"

Yasmine was a little angry. Did Sebastian have such little faith in her that he suspected her as soon as he lost something?

"You're the only one who has permission to enter my study room and you're the only one who knows where the account book is. If you said that you didn't take it, then tell me who did it!"

"How would I know who took it? There are so many people in this house. On what grounds are you suspecting that I was the one who took it?"

The two of them started quarreling. Sebastian was furious because he had lost an important piece of evidence. He couldn't help speaking in a harsh voice, "I know you are blaming me deep down for not agreeing to your request. Are you satisfied now? It doesn't matter if you were the one who took it, the result is still the one you wanted, isn't it?"

He turned around furiously and left the bedroom. With a bang, he closed the door. Yasmine was so angry that she opened the door and shouted, "I said that I didn't take it. I can't do anything since you refused to believe me!"

Due to the loss of the account book, Yasmine and Sebastian grew apart. However, Sebastian still treated her kindly. He cared about her daily life, but his inexplicable concern made Yasmine feel uncomfortable. She felt that it was unnatural.

He no longer mentioned the account book, and she did not bother to ask. Since they deliberately avoided talking about the topic, they could still get along well with each other. However, they would start to fight the moment they talked about it. She seldom quarreled with Sebastian in the past, hence, she was not used to it when they quarreled with each other this one time.

However, Sebastian's attitude was getting more and more unbearable. It felt as if he was giving her candies after slapping her. Finally, she could not bear it anymore. On this night, she blocked him at the door of the study room. She asked with a straight face, "Do you still suspect me?"

Sebastian replied calmly, "No." "You are. I can tell it from the way you look at me! You still think that I was the one who stole your account book, didn't you? Is that what you think of me? It's true that I have a good relationship with Lily, but will I betray you for her?"

"I know, so I didn't doubt you,"

"Bulls*it. You're not being your usual self. You treated me well for a second, then you started treating me coldly at the next. Weren't you just venting your dissatisfaction at me? Weren't you just trying to prove that even the closest person to you would betray you?"

Sebastian sighed, "Yasmine, I'm not doubting you at all. I've been not enthusiastic enough to you these days because I'm not in a good mood. Could you please be a little more understanding?"

Seeing that there was indeed a trace of anxiety between his eyebrows, Yasmine's heart softened. "If you're in a bad mood, you can vent it out. But you refused to say anything. When you're depressed, you make the people around you feel uncomfortable too."

"How should I vent my anger now that you're pregnant? Do you want me to shout at you?"

"Compared with your previous nonchalant attitude, I'd rather you shout at me,"

Yasmine grabbed his arm, "Let's go."

"Where are we going?"

"We should talk,"

She dragged him into the bedroom, closed the door, and asked seriously, "Have you found the account book yet?"

"Not yet."

"Who else do you doubt apart from me?"

He rolled his eyes at her. "I told you that I didn't doubt you."

"Okay. Tell me then, do you suspect anyone else?" Yasmine asked again.

"No, apart from you, Tiffany and Mom, there are only a group of servants in this house. I don't think that there is such a scheming person in this house."

"Are you saying that a ghost did it?"

"That is also the reason I could not figure this out."

Yasmine frowned, "I think that there is a mole in the house. There are more than 20 servants in the house, including the driver. There must be someone worthy of your suspicion. Mom would never take your things, let alone Tiffany. We should probably rule out the possibility of outsiders sneaking into the house and stealing the book. So, do you still think that the servants are innocent?"

"To be honest, I don't want to doubt them at all. These servants have been working in our house for many years, and they are all trustworthy people."

"However, the point is that the account book is lost. You can't stop investigating just because you don't want to suspect them."

"What do you have in mind then?"

"Leave this matter to me. I can definitely help you find out who the person is."

"Okay." The next morning, Yasmine asked the housekeeper to have the servants to stand in a line outside the living room. Madam Simons and Tiffany Simons were shocked when they went downstairs. Seeing her daughter-in-law walking out with a solemn face, she pulled her son's clothes and asked, "What happened?"

"You'll know once you have a look."

The three of them walked out of the living room and heard what Yasmine said, "I gathered everyone here today because a serious thing had happened at home. An important document in the Young Master's study has gone missing. We don't want to suspect anyone, but it is a fact that the item was lost at home. Outsiders could not possibly steal from our home. So I hope that the one who had made a mistake would come to the front and admit to it willingly. We would not blame you as long as you have the courage to admit it."

As soon as she finished her words, she turned her eyes to the crowd. More than 20 pairs of eyes looked back at her calmly, but no one came out to her.

"Since everyone thinks that they are innocent, I'll buy a polygraph tomorrow. At that time, please don't blame us for not giving you a chance to confess your doings."

Before she dismissed the crowd, she reminded, "I'll give you a day to think about it carefully. If you have thought about it, you may go straight to the study tonight and admit your mistakes. Remember, you only have one day to consider the matter."

When they returned to the living room, Madam Simons had already known what had happened. She was furious and she questioned her son, "I didn't expect that there was a thief at home! Why didn't you tell this to me?"

Sebastian kept silent with his hands in his pocket. Yasmine huffed, "Mom, I was the one being suspected at that time."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Sebastian glared at her.

"Then why didn't you say it?" Madam Simons insisted.


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